Land Use and Zoning in Jackson, Mississippi By Jackie Grace
Purpose To find parcels in Jackson, Mississippi that do not conform to the Zoning Ordinance of These parcels are called non-conformers.
Method Using the land use layer the parcels were broken down by zoning code. Next using the land use the non-conformers were selected. The selected non-conformers were made into a new layer.
Definition of Zoning Zoning –Zoning is defined as the division of a jurisdiction into districts to enable the regulation of land according to the nature and use of the land in order to promote the orderly development of the area, and the protection of public health, safety and general welfare. Examples –Residential, Industrial, Commercial, SUD
Definition of Land Use Land Use –What the land is used for. Examples –Agriculture, residents, forest, businesses
Non-conformers ZonedLand Use# of Violators Com/ResSUD1 Com/IndRes SUD 1414 Res/IndCom1 IndRes Com SUD ResCom SUD ComInd Res SUD Total574
Most Severe Non-conformers The most sever non- conformers are residential areas in industrial zones. There are 109 residential areas in industrially zoned parcels.
Recommendations for Jackson, Mississippi By looking at the parcels around the improperly zoned areas the City of Jackson could get a better idea of what these non-conformers should be zoned. If the area is zoned residential and is used for industrial purposes and the parcels around the non-conformer are used for industry, it might be a good idea to re-zone the parcel. If the area is zoned residential and is used for industrial purposes and the parcels around the non-conformer are residential, it might be a good idea to relocate the industry in the appropriate zone. Using the above system the Cit of Jackson could re-zone or relocate the non-conformers to its appropriate zone.