Logosworld.com Atomic SOA Patterns Elementary Middleware Communication Patterns for a Succesful SOA Implementation
Logosworld.com Von Neumann Computers do The Same János von Neumann zu Margitta Father of modern computer architecture Input Process Output János von Neumann zu Margitta Father of modern computer architecture Input Process Output János von Neumann zu Margitta Father of modern computer architecture
Logosworld.com Pass Filter Variation: Transformation Message payload is changed by the filter Sender Adapter Process Receiver
Logosworld.com Null Filter A special case of a pass filter that would not change the message‘s payload Usages: Protocol converter Bridge between media Decouple sender and receiver to avoid impact A special case of a pass filter that would not change the message‘s payload Usages: Protocol converter Bridge between media Decouple sender and receiver to avoid impact Adapter Null- Filter
Logosworld.com Atom: Proxy - Asynchronous Capsule Services are activated asynchronously only Proxy provides emulation of synchronous processing Services are activated asynchronously only Proxy provides emulation of synchronous processing Adapter Requester Collector Service
Logosworld.com Atom: Request Reply Pattern Request-reply patterns are filter where sender and receiver are the same entity Adapter Service