The dust bowl was a cause because of the feilds top soil being blow away because there was nothing there to stop the fields from blowing away.can you think of what it wold be like to live like this!!?? The dust bowl
The Hoover dam was one of the biggest projects of its time it was called the Hoover dam because it was constructed by president Hoover. The Hoover dam
Women at this time used all scaps to make this quilt
This picture shows how poor people were then because of the depression.
This man is going to California in hope of a new job and a better life the books grapes of wrath is the perfect example
This is a picture of a hobo jumping a train this was a life style for some people they were so poor they had to hitch rides and steel to live.
The story the war of the worlds was writen by h.g wells and it was braodcasted on the radio people there homes listend and thought aleins were really coming to earth.
This shows the downfalls of the great depression
This picture shows how poor people were and what they had to do to get money just to survive
This is a picture of Christmas dinner it shows how people lived back then during this horrible time