5 Newtons Laws of Motion 5-1 Force and Mass Question: How is acceleration induced? Δv/Δt V=20 m/s wall V=5 m/s V=-5m/s V=0 Baseball: Force; influence that.


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Presentation transcript:

5 Newtons Laws of Motion 5-1 Force and Mass Question: How is acceleration induced? Δv/Δt V=20 m/s wall V=5 m/s V=-5m/s V=0 Baseball: Force; influence that causes a body to acceleration Mass; how difficult to change its velocity quantity of matter in object

5-2 Newtons first law of Motion An object at rest remains at rest as long as no net force acts on it. An object moving with constant velocity continues to move with the same speed and in the same direction as long as no net force acts on it.

Law of inertia: if an object is already moving with constant velocity, it wont alter its speed or direction, unless a force causes the change.

5-3 Newtons Second Law of Motion Mass constant : Force constant :

sum of force vectors = Vector: acceleration and force, Direction: acceleration is same as net force. Force Unit: 1 N=(1kg)(1 m/s 2 )

Ex1. Mass of a car 2000kg, the accelerate is 4 m/s 2, find force? Ex2. A box from 0 to 0.7 m/s in 3s, m=20kg, find net force?

Net force Ex3.

Newtons second law

Isolate the object of interest (point particle) Sketch the forces (every external force acting on a given object) Choose a convenient coordinate system Resolve the force into components Apply Newtons second law to each coordinate direction Free-Body diagram