Julie Routledge Occupational Health Manager Hampton Knight
Over 1million people affected in the UK with a cost to society of £5.7 billion an estimated 7.5 million working days were lost in 2011/12 through work-related musculoskeletal disorders that were caused or made worse by work on average, each person suffering took an estimated 17 days off in 2011/12 Source: HSE
Physical ◦ Force – push, pull, lifting and carrying ◦ Repetitive frequent movements ◦ Vibration ◦ Cold work environment Organisational ◦ Work demand ◦ Low level of job satisfaction ◦ Repetitive monotonous work at a high pace ◦ Lack of support – Managers, colleagues Individual ◦ Underlying medical condition ◦ Physical capability ◦ Age ◦ Obesity We have potentially all of these risk factors!
Workplace assessment Quick Exposure Check (QEC) Ergonomic risk assessments for weights above 8Kg Restrictions/adjustments ◦ Light duties ◦ Phased return to work ◦ Temporary redeployment Physiotherapy – 6 sessions The Key to success is ROTATION ROTATION ROTATION!!!
European Agency for Safety and Health at work ◦ html html Health and Safety Executive ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace ◦ Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART Tool) Labour Force Survey ◦ Quick Exposure Check (QEC) ◦