Interactive Teaching For CYC Instructors
Best Teacher Everyone write down the name of the best teacher you had. What trait or methodology made she/he such a good teacher? One person type into the chat a full list of the traits or methodologies.
Search Search for interactive teaching. Type into the chat an example of interactive teaching.
Overlap? Any of the traits or methodologies of your best teachers overlap with interactive teaching techniques?
Make the Content Personally Relevant As you learn more about your students, relate the topics to their lives and their interests. Customize the modules with: – Local information. – Host agency information. – Local CYC information.
Customizing Modules SOME Fundamentals modules need to be customized. MANY Electives modules need to be customized. ALL HomeConnect modules need to be customized.
Module Customizations Type in to the chat who has been customizing the modules for your LCA.
Repetition Many modules refer to information on previous modules. Some modules use the same exact slide. Repetition is an opportunity for class discussion.
The learning topic most repeated in CYC modules is ______. Anyone?
The issue most repeated in CYC modules is SEARCH. Why?
Interact With the Participants No more than 2 slides in a row where you speak and the participants ONLY listen. Set a Goal of one of the following after or during each slide of information. – Discussion – Activity/Exercise (online or offline)
Methods for Encouraging Discussion Anyone have an example? Who knows what this is? Can you explain it to us? Ask questions that are yes or no answers so participants can raise their hand to answer. Be patient. Wait for someone to answer your question. Share what you found with someone sitting near you. (Discussion need not always be with the instructor!)
Alternate Slide Methods for Encouraging Discussion Ask the students. Be patient. Wait for someone to answer your question. Encourage students to discuss topics with each other.
Balance Balance the need for class discussion and activities with staying on track. Use humor (or at least a smile) to pull the discussion back to the topic.
Be Prepared Practice teach the module before you teach an actual class. Know the material well enough that you DO NOT simply read the slides and the notes. Have activities and discussion ideas ready. Have websites open that you will need during class. Have handouts ready.
Toggling Between Open Windows Likely to need to toggle between Websites (Browser), Slide Presentation (Powerpoint), and/or Handouts (Word or PDF Reader). Methods – Move between multiple windows offset slightly. – Use shortcuts – ALT+TAB switches you between open windows.
What teaching techniques did I use during this webinar?
15 Creative Commons License Curriculum content created by Connect Your Community, a project of OneCommunity, funded by the federal Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.OneCommunityBroadband Technology Opportunities Program This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit