Appalachian region in Canada By Mika and Steve
Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological variables in a given region over long periods of time. The Appalachian climate is affected by two ocean currents. The Labrador currents bring cold water south from the Arctic and causes freezing during the winter months in northern parts of the region. The Gulf Stream brings warm water north from the Caribbean and along the coast of North America before it runs east, crossing the Atlantic ocean to Europe. The meeting of the gulf stream and the Labrador current also provide a great breeding ground for fish by encouraging the growth of plankton. The nothern part of the region has an Arctic Climate, with extremely long, cold, winters and short, cool summer's. Climate
Natural Resources Natural resources are minerals taken from nature. The Appalachian region is rich in coal and fish. Zinc, lead, potash, salt, asbestos, copper and gold are mined in the Appalachian region Cod, salmon, pollock, halibut, redfish, herring, swordfish, sole, flounder, haddock, clams, oysters, scallops and lobsters are harvested here.
Lincoln’s Concern People in Appalachian Region are mostly fishermen. Tow tips of fishing is with big boats and small boats. Families fish in small boats and corporations fish with big boat called trawlers. Declining number of fish is a concern. The number of fish is declining because big boats have nets to scoop both big and small fish, so they can’t grow. The lack of fish leave people from work.
Animal Life Was once one of the richest fishing ground. Now smaller amounts of fish are found here. Grey and Harbour seals are found in harbours and estuaries. Main land animals include fox, mink, white- tailed deer, snowshoe hare, otter, muskrat, porcupine, beaver and raccoon. NFLD once had fewer land animals than other parts. Snowshoe hare, moose, caribou and squirrel have been introduced. Great blue herons, ducks, shorebird and water-fowl are found in the beaches, marshes and lagoons. Bonaventure island is a migratory bird sanctuary. Home puffins, gulls and razorbills.
Vegetation Most of the main land is forest. Coniferous trees grow in the higher areas. Black and white spruce and balsam fir are found there. Hard wood trees of white and yellow birch, beech and sugar maple have been all most been loged.
Physical Features Old “Low range of mountains”. Eroded over millions of years. Faces the Atlantic Ocean for thousands of km. Bigger islands are PEI New found land and island. Off shore the ocean floor slants (continental shelf) and drops into a trench. Shallower parts are called the brand banks and are famous for fishing. The planes and valley areas have fertile soil, are rocky or boggy. Faces the Atlantic Ocean. Thousands of km of scenic coast. 3 big islands are PEI, Newfoundland and Cape Breton. Waves, ocean currents and tides erode cliffs and form beaches. Ocean current is a stream of moving water in a larger body of water. Tides are changes in the water level caused by the moons gravity. Water rises for 6 H and flows 6 H out (tidal range ). Tides move the Earths water. They bring food and oxygen to plants and animals by the shore and takes away waste. Also makes electricity.