Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory Systems for Environmental Management Learning to Use FOFEM 5 Volume II: Advanced Lesson
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson In the Advanced Lesson Advanced use of soil heating and Burnup modules Batch mode: making many runs at once Linking FOFEM 5 to GIS
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Fuel Consumption from a file For use in the FOFEM 5 graphical interface, many Burnup input parameters were set as constants Running Burnup from a file allows full control of the model Select Options | create sample Burnup input file to create a template Edit the sample file to reflect your data and simulation parameters
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Fuel Consumption from a file MAX_TIMES The maximum number of iterations BURNUP will compute INTENSITY Reaction intensity of the igniting surface fire (kW/m 2 ) IG_TIME Residence time of the igniting surface fire (seconds) DEPTH fuelbed depth (meters) WINDSPEED Wind speed at the top of the fuel bed (m/sec) AMBIENT_TEMP air temperature (deg C) r0 fire environment minimum dimension parameter dr fire environment increment temperature parameter TIMESTEP time step for integration of burning rates DUFF_LOAD duff loading (kg/m 2 ) DUFF_MOIST duff moisture content (fraction dry weight)
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Fuel Consumption from a file Column 1 must contain a “1” Tabular data: fuel components Column 2 index label Column 3 dry load (kg/m 2 ) Column 4 heat content (J/kg) Column 5 moisture content (fraction dry weight basis) Column 6 oven-dry mass density (kg/m 3 ) Column 7 surface area to volume ratio (1/m) Column 8 heat capacity (J/kg-K) Column 9 thermal conductivity (W/m- K) Column 10 ignition temperature (C) Column 11 char temperature (C) Column 12 mineral ash fraction
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Fuel Consumption from a file Select Options | Run Burnup from input file, then select the edited input file to make the run. BURNUP output file
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Fuel Consumption from a file Running BURNUP from a file also creates an emissions output file.
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Fuel Consumption from file: tutorial In Windows Explorer, open the file FOFEM5tutorials.chm Navigate to the Advanced tutorials, Advanced Fuel Consumption Use Alt-Tab or the task bar to switch between the tutorial and FOFEM as needed
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Soil Heating from a file For use in the FOFEM 5 graphical interface, many soil heating input parameters were set as constants Running soil heating from a file allows full control of the model Select Options | create sample soil input files to create a template file Edit the file to reflect your data and simulation parameters WARNING: running soil heating model from a file allows full control of variables with high sensitivity. Users should become fluent with basic use of the model before running it from a file.
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Soil Heating from a file Two options –Duff present, soil is insulated –Duff absent, soil is exposed
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Soil Heating from a file Duff is present: Keyword s Argument s Comment s Layers section
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Soil Heating from a file Duff is absent Same sections: Keywords Arguments Comments Layers
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Running Soil Heating from a file Select Options | Run soil from input file, then select the edited input file to make the run. Output is displayed in report or graphical form Use Options | Save soil temp points file to save data for use in other programs Help file has details.
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Soil Heating from file: tutorial In Windows Explorer, open the file FOFEM5tutorials.chm Navigate to the Advanced tutorials, Advanced Soil Heating Use Alt-Tab or the task bar to switch between the tutorial and FOFEM as needed
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson FOFEM 5 batch mode Some users need to make hundreds or even thousands of FOFEM runs –E.g., to simulate potential fire effects across a landscape or under a range of fuel moisture conditions A batch mode of FOFEM 5 is under development Check the website for updates if you need this feature
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Linking FOFEM 5 to a GIS A GIS analyst can simulate the spatial distribution of fire effects by linking FOFEM 5 to a GIS The landscape is first divided into homogeneous units, then model inputs are set for each unit. Then the analyst simulates fire effects using a FOFEM batch run Finally, the FOFEM batch run output attributes are linked back to the original units, allowing the spatial display of effects such as probability of tree mortality, smoke production, fuel consumption, etc.
Oct-03Learning to Use FOFEM 5: Advanced Lesson Advanced Lesson: Conclusion The soil heating and Burnup fuel consumption models can be run from a file, allowing greater control of model input parameters. FOFEM 5 can be used in batch mode for analysis in a statistical program or for use in a GIS; check fire.org for availability of this feature.