1 NMA LeaderLab OPERATION OVERLOAD COVER CONCERNS SUGGEST SOLUTIONS BUILD BUY-IN Figure out how to sign up volunteers from people who have neither the time nor the inclination to take on extra tasks… Meet all their needs! Copyright © 2006, by National Management Association, Dayton, OH NMA… THE Leadership Development Organization 2210 Arbor Blvd. Dayton, OH Web Site: LeaderLab CEU Code 05006LL.1 CEU Check the Users Manual for Tom Answer Joes Verify the invoice from IBBB Finish writing the guide for equipment maintenance Return Marthas call Order supplies for Sara Complete performance review Check figures on Marys contract Call Teds customer Finish contract proposal revisions Invoice Account 216 Give the boss the figures she needs Update the our page on the website Set up telecon
2 NMA LeaderLabs Operation Overload Credits: Developed by Pete Kurzhals, and field-tested by the Boeing Anaheim Leadership Association, and Boeing Aerospace Leadership Chapter. NMA provides the following presentation solely for the use of NMA chapters. It is copyrighted and only active NMA chapters have permission to present the following materials. Copyright © 2006, by National Management Association, Dayton, OH NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio
3 NMA LeaderLabs Operation Overload Scenario You are the LEADER of a small team of dedicated and overworked employees, who have a plethora of valid excuses why they simply CANNOT take on any additional tasks. Yet your job as LEADER depends on your ability to convince one of these employees to take on a new critical effort thats essential for your company success, without giving up any of his or her other jobs. You will thus need to successfully address the employees concerns, and get him or her to accept the additional task. The LEADER can start with any of his team members, but must decide after a few questions and answers whether or not that team member can be talked into taking on the new task. If not, the LEADER moves on to the next employee until either all team members have turned the LEADER down or he or she has found a willing team member. Each team selects its LEADER and an OBSERVER who does not participate in the discussions but takes notes on the process. The one-on-one discussions between the LEADER and individual team members continue until time (30 minutes) runs out, all members decline or one member accepts the additional task. It is obviously in all team members interest to do their best to counter the LEADERS suggestions and avoid yet more work, so this should be an interesting challenge. The team LEADER will use 3-4 minutes to report on his results including how many members were asked, whether anyone accepted the extra task and what major associated points were made during the discussion. The OBSERVER will then have 2-3 minutes to summarize the process. The facilitator will take the last 5 minutes to comment on the results and to discuss associated leadership lessons. Operation Overload * Theme: Find a Fix S cenario: C hallenge: O perations: R eports: E valuation: * This LL exercise was derived from similar exercises conducted as part of the Dale Carnegie course on The Peoples Side of Process Improvement (PSPI). NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio
4 NMA LeaderLabs Operation Overload Lessons FIND OUT MORE about candidate workloads and situations Understand and acknowledge the problem…. DISCUSS ALTERNATE APPROACHES to handling current candidate workload Make room for time and new opportunities…. EXPLAIN THE BENEFITS of becoming involved and taking on new tasks Focus on need and impact…. FOSTER CONCURRENCE AND COMMITMENT to meeting the challenge Obtain buy-in and ownership…. Things to consider in your work environment! NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio
5 NMA LeaderLab Operation Overload Observer Instructions SCORE SHEET Behaviors Point Value Points Awarded Ask questions about the members workload and situation 1 Probes for alternate solutions1 Shows the team member the personal benefit of working on the new program or relates it to the impact it will have for them personally 1 Defines the results/task needed and time needed to get the results/task clearly 1 Utilizes a job sharing option; partner; or backup option 1 Suggests a creative option to the member 1 Gets a team member to say yes1 Team Member says no Total Points Given Observe the interactions/communication of the leader with the group members. Award points when the leader demonstrates a behavior. Award a negative point to the team each time a member of the group says no. Bonus points can be given only for those items listed to the left. If you made an observation where any member (or the leader) performed exceptionally well or had a creative solution, please add those to your comments. Be specific. If you made an observation where any member (or the leader) did not do as well as they could, please let them know what they did wrong and more importantly how they could improve in your opinion. Be specific. Keep your comments to 2-3 minutes Observer Notes:
6 NMA LeaderLabs Operation Overload Facilitator Hints 1.Assign each table a team number (Team 1-10) 2.then go through the LL instructions and 3.make sure all teams adhere to the designated time allocation for each LL section. After taking reports from each of the teams, thank each team for their participation and inputs Begin with the teams that completed their assignment and signed up a volunteer(s), and 1.Comment on the steps they used to succeed 2.Acknowledge the problems encountered by the other teams and 3.Relate these to real work situations 4.Finally, go over the LeaderLab lessons which cover one approach to buy-in, and 5.Award prizes. NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio
7 NMA LeaderLabs Operation Overload Prizes NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio Zen Garden Kit Stress Reliever Litebulb Gator Candy Dish Captain Smiley Juggling Balls
8 LeaderLab Evaluation Form PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX ExcellentGoodFairPoor 1.The overall LeaderLab program 2.Appropriate use of the materials that made learning easy and enjoyable 3.Opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with others 4.Length of LeaderLab relative to its objectives and meeting your needs 5.Applicability to your responsibilities, needs, and roles at home, work, and elsewhere 6.What is the most important thing you learned during the LeaderLab? 7.Which part of the LeaderLab was of MOST VALUE to you? Why? 8.Which part of the LeaderLab was of LEAST VALUE to you? Why? 9.What suggestions for improvement do you have for future LeaderLabs? Check one Your comments and suggestions are very important to us. Please take a few moments to reflect on your experiences at the LeaderLab. Your input will help us to continue to provide professional quality services and maximize learning during the future LeaderLabs. YesNo Did the facilitator(s)… Keep the sessions moving and interesting? Speak at a level that could be easily heard and understood by everyone? Keep the discussions constructive, crisp, and well controlled? Practice good facilitation skills? NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio