Public Health Data Standards Consortium Health Level Seven (HL7) January GOV SIG San Diego, CA January 2002 Michelle Williamson National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health Data Standards Consortium (PHDSC) Outgrowth of consensus recommendation at November 1998 Workshop on Implications of HIPAA for Public Health and Health Services Research The PHDSC mission is to improve the health and health care of the U.S. population through improved health related information by expanding involvement in existing health data standards and content organizations and determining standards needs through consultation with data leaders and data users.
Who Is the Public Health Data Standards Consortium Today? A coalition of 32 organizations committed to the promotion of data standards for public health and health services research –Federal agencies ( CDC, AHRQ, CMS, HRSA,SAMHSA) –State agencies and regional consortia ( NY, NE, WI, WA, CA, MA, MHDC, MHDI) –National professional associations ( AHSRHP, AMCHP, ASTHO, APHL, CSTE, NACCHO, NAPHSIS, NAHDO, NASMD, PHF, JCAHO, MHSIP, NASADAD, NASHP, NALBOH, STIPDA, WGCBHHS)
Who is the Public Health Data Standards Consortium Today? Represents public health and the health services research community in Standards Development Organizations Health Level Seven (HL-7) National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) ANSI ASC X12
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Developed EDUCATION STRATEGY under contract with The Lewin Group and NAHDO in 2001, to: –Build partnerships/educate constituencies –Participate in development of national standards –Support implementation of standards Steering Committee prioritized strategies
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Create a public health implementation guide for selected national standards as they relate to public health Develop a web-based resource center to track data integration and standards development efforts relevant to public health and health services research Secure Funding for Consortium initiatives Action plan for Overcoming Barriers to migrating to national standards
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Strategic Planning Meeting July 2001 Provide guidance to new work groups established at the Consortiums March 2001 Steering Committee Meeting as part of its overall effort to implement the Consortiums new education strategy
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Health Care Service Data Reporting Implementation Guide Work Group Chair: Robert Davis, New York Department of Health - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System Provide a standardized format for reporting health care service data compatible, but not compliant with HIPAA standards Approved proposal to develop ANSI ASC X Health Care Service Data Reporting Guide – June 2001 Present Draft 2 of Guide to X12 TG2WG2 – Feb. 2002
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Web-based Resource Center Work Group Chair: Tom Doremus, Public Health Foundation Focused on the conceptual development of an Internet-based resource center to track standards development, implementation and data integration. Developed a Health Data Standards Survey to obtain feedback from the public health and health services research community to create a resource to address the needs for educational material on health data standards issues:
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Business Development and Marketing Work Group Co-chairs: Elliot Stone, Massachusetts Health Data Consortium Walter Suarez, Minnesota Health Data Institute First Conference Call – December 17, 2001 Purpose is to develop a business plan for the Consortium to support work group activities while promoting the Consortiums mission and objectives.
Consortium Progress Education Strategy Priorities Overcoming Barriers/Strategic Planning Work Group Chair: Delton Atkinson, National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems First Conference Call – January 22, 2001 This group is charged with developing strategies to overcome barriers to migrating to national standards
Consortium Communication Web site: Listserv: Send to: In the message body enter: SUBSCRIBE PH-CONSORTIUM-L YOUR NAME Contacts: –Marjorie Greenberg : or –Suzie Burke-Bebee: or –Michelle Williamson: or