2008 Science Summer School A quick report – Choosing Science Survey
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► By Terry Lyon, University of New England ► 620 Teachers ► 3800 Year 10 Students ► Focus of study: What are the influences on student engagement in Science?
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Why are less students doing Science ► Teachers top five responses: less academically demanding; lack of persistence with repetitive or rigorous tasks; decline in level of interest in the subject; decline in knowledge about careers in Science; chose subjects that were more interesting/engaging than Science
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► What subjects are students choosing? ► Decline in enrolments for many “traditional” subjects That is not just Biology, Chemistry and Physics Also Modern History, and particularly Economics and Geography. ► Increase in enrolments in newer offerings Including Business Studies, Hospitality, PE and Religion.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 1. Science is one of the most interesting subjects 45% agree or strongly agree; 46% disagree or strongly disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 2. Science lessons are fun- 46% agree or strongly agree; 25% disagree or strongly disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 3. Science lessons are fun- 46% agree or strongly agree; 25% disagree or strongly disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 4. I dislike science lessons – 28% agree or strongly agree; but 56% disagree or strongly disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 5. What I learn in Science helps me make sense of the world – 63% agree or strongly agree 16 disagree or strongly disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 6. My teacher often discussed careers with my class 44% agree 36% disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 7. I think most science careers are well paid 52% agree; 14% disagree; 35% unsure.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 8. I think it is fairly easy for a person to get a job with a Science degree: - ?% agree ?% were unsure 15% disagree
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Year 10 students asked to give rating for these questions: 9. It is likely that I will choose a Science related course when I leave school – 39% agree, 21% unsure – [opportunity to change their minds in Year 10]; 40% disagree.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Three further questions: 1. In which stage in your schooling did you most enjoy learning science 56% say Year 9 and 10 (often the last two years of science) 23% said Year 7 and 8.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Three further questions: 2. What stage in your schooling had the greatest influence in your decision to choose or not to choose Science – 80% said Year 8 and 9. Note this could also mean that they chose NOT to do Science at this point.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Three further questions: 3. The most common suggestions for improving Science lessons include; more practicals/experiments (41%); more interesting content (19%) and more engaging teachers (14%)
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► The 900 students who said they would not pursue a career in Science were asked why: Because I can't picture myself as a Scientist; I don't need it for my career; I am not interested in Science.
Choosing Science Project for 2007 ► Conclusions: There is a general decline in enrolments for most traditional subjects – not just Science. Students still enjoy science and many see it as a career option. There is an opportunity to influence student choice of Science even as late as Year 10. Consider discussing Science as a career with your classes and bringing in Young Scientists to show role models and possibilities.