ISO/IEEE Personal Health Device Work Group Update Douglas P. Bogia, chair, presenting for the ISO/IEEE Personal Health Device Work Group January 2009
Agenda l Membership and Meetings l Accomplishments l Status of Work l Questions
PHD Membership l 228 members l 122 organizations l Every other week conference calls (for now) l Face to face meetings planned every 2 – 4 months l International involvement in the Work Group l 53% North America l 25% Far East l 22% Europe
Standards Update l 8 standards approved (and published) by the IEEE! l Optimized exchange protocol ($189 or $237) l Pulse oximeter l Blood pressure monitor l Thermometer ($132 or $165) l Weighing scale ($132 or $165) l Cardio ($132 or $165) l Strength ($132 or $165) l Activity hub ($132 or $165) l 1 standard released for RevCom approval l Glucose l Approval meeting scheduled for Jan 19.
New Project Initiation l Approval to draft 6 new specializations l Basic ECG l INR (blood coagulation) l Insulin pump l Body composition analyzer l Peak flow l Physical activity monitor l Open specialization PARs l Medication monitor
Withdrawn PARs l Common data l All the content originally planned for was placed in l Heart rate specialization l All the content planned for went into , , , and the new
Other Activities l IEEE Personal Health Devices tutorial slide deck available l English version, Japanese version l Final content for the released IEEE stds l Virtual face to face held l Experimented with an 8 hour long conference call broken into two 4 hour segments to cover all three Geos l Team felt it was very successful and had some great discussions l Attendance was around 20 people (off and on)
Conclusion l The IEEE team did an outstanding job of completing the version 1 standards l All the procedural elements are in place for the version 2 standards l Supporting Version 2 requires a dedicated effort by companies to complete the standards
Questions and Answers l Join Information: l Participation in creation of a standard is free l To join the work group, contact: l To participate in balloting process, the costs are < $250 (USD) per individual for an IEEE and IEEE Standards Association membership l The cost for purchasing a standard varies, but tends to be $100 - $350 (USD) per standard
IEEE Data Work Group - Scope Statement Within the context of the ISO/IEEE framework of standards, this work group's focus is on standards that address transport-independent application and information profiles between personal telehealth devices and monitors / managers (e.g. health appliance, set top box, cell phone, personal computer). Existing ISO/IEEE standards shall be evaluated and then used, modified, or new standards defined as needed. In this context personal telehealth devices can be described as devices used for life activity, wellness monitoring, and/or health monitoring in domestic home, communal home, and/or mobile applications. Application and information profiles consist of exchange format, data representation, and terminology for such personal telehealth devices. Anticipated work products include: 1) a technical report describing personal telehealth device data, 2) a common, transport independent application profile for information exchange between personal telehealth devices and monitors / managers, and 3) device specialization standards.
Technical Report - Overview SerialIrDABluetoothUSBZigBee Layers 1-4 Layers 5-7 OSI Optimized Exchange Protocol Pulse Oximeter Blood Pressure Thermo- meter Background: Personal Health Device Standards Overview Communication Protocols Weighing Scale Glucose Cardio Strength Activity Data Phase II … Device Specializations
Current Voting Policy l Voting rights begin when a member attends 2 of 3 meetings. Voting rights are extended at the beginning of a meeting. Thus, a person may vote in the second meeting that meets the 2 out of 3 meeting criteria. l Voting rights are terminated if a member fails to attend at least 1 meeting of the last 3. At this point, the member must again attend 2 of 3 meetings to become current on the topics for the purpose of voting. l Quorum is established by 66% of the eligible voters. This includes yes, no, and abstain votes. l To calculate the percentage of yes votes, the algorithm: (count of yes votes)/( (count of yes votes) + (count of no votes) ) is used. l Consensus is defined as >= 66% yes votes using the above formula