Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Allergies List food allergies and medication allergies separately Closest conformance criterion: DC #1 (The system SHALL capture true allergy, intolerance, and adverse reaction to drug, dietary or environmental triggers as unique, discrete entries. Do we really want to ask for this? What do we really mean by separate?). Possibly included, controversial Reference number: 7
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Custody Identify a child who has been removed from a home Closest conformance criterion: N/A ((This would simply be an item in the child's history, e.g. Social Hx)). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 14
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Custody Indicate when a child is in foster care Closest conformance criterion: N/A ((This would simply be an item in the child's history, e.g. Social Hx)). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 15
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Custody Indicate when a child is under ongoing investigation for abuse or neglect Closest conformance criterion: N/A ((This would simply be an item in the child's history, e.g. Social Hx)). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 16
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Custody Indicate when the child has been adopted Closest conformance criterion: N/A ((This would simply be an item in the child's history, e.g. Social Hx)). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 17
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 E-Prescribing & Ordering Support calculations for the preparation of intravenous infusions Closest conformance criterion: DC (Now that standard concetrations are the law of the land, we may need to give up on this one.). DELETE? Reference number: 64
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 E-Prescribing & Ordering Support standard concentrations for infusions Closest conformance criterion: DC (Hard to imagine an IV prescribing system that did not include data on the concentration of infusions… is this a peditric issue?). DELETE? Reference number: 65
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 E-Prescribing & Ordering Allow the use of other data in dosing decision support, such as a lab value (e.g., urine specific gravity) of clinical characteristic (e.g., gestational age) Closest conformance criterion: DC #2 (The system SHALL identify specific and appropriate drug dosages for each patient condition at the time of medication ordering. ). Possibly included, controversial Reference number: 54
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Gender Allow the assignment of an unknown gender Closest conformance criterion: N/A (This may simply be a matter of allowing the value of "unknown" in the a gender field). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 80
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Gestational Age Allow recording of gestational age at the time of delivery as a permanent feature of the patient that can be accessed at all times during the care of the patient, in much the same way as a "problem" Closest conformance criterion: N/A (This may simply be a matter of allowing gestational age to be an item on the problem list). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 81
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Growth include the appropriate templates for growth data fields, which would be presented to the caregiver using CDC standards based on demographic data (i.e., length, weight, head circumference for < 36 months; height; weight, BMI for over 36 months). Closest conformance criterion: Makes no sense (Either the EHR allows the entering of head circumference or it does not. Either it calculates BMI or it does not. Whether these "fields" come up depend on the age-dependent templates the system implements (see Decision Support).). DELETE? Reference number: 84
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Patient Identification Allow cross-referencing of multiple identifiers that may identify the same patient Closest conformance criterion: DC #6 (The system SHALL provide the ability to query and retrieve appropriate parts of a patient record using a primary identifier, secondary identifiers, or other information which are not identifiers, but could be used to help identify the patient. ). Possibly included, controversial Reference number: 125
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Privacy In cases of care given to patients during adolescence, provide the ability to flag certain encounters, problems, diagnoses, and results as requiring special privacy handling Closest conformance criterion: DC #2 and I.1.9 #8 (The system SHALL restrict access to summarized information based on applicable rules for confidentiality of patient health information AND System MAY allow varying levels of confidentiality based on patient class and/or diagnosis). Possibly included, controversial Reference number: 142
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Privacy Protect the genetic identity of the child, when desired, when assisted reproductive technology is used Closest conformance criterion: I.1.9 #1 (The system SHOULD enforce the applicable jurisdictional and organizational patient privacy rules). Possibly included, controversial Reference number: 145
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Registries Include gestational age on data reported to registries Closest conformance criterion: N/A (Wouldnt this be up to the registry? Would not the registry be the one to specify whether it wanted gestational age?). DELETE? Reference number: 150
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Vocabulary Allow recording of immunization status (current versus delayed) in summary lists Closest conformance criterion: N/A (N/A). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 170
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Vocabulary Allow recording of educational status in summary lists Closest conformance criterion: N/A (N/A). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 171
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Vocabulary Allow the recording of developmental assessments in summary lists Closest conformance criterion: N/A (N/A). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 172
Reconciling the pediatric requirements with the EHR model May 2006 Vocabulary Allow the recording of health maintenance status as part of summary lists Closest conformance criterion: N/A (N/A). VOCABULARY ISSUE: … Reference number: 173