HL7 Government Projects SIG Mapping the NCVHS Minimum Data Set May 23, 2000
HL7 Government Projects SIG Overview n The mapping n Whats next?
May 23, 2000 HL7 Government Projects SIG Mapping Status n Correspondence to HL7 V2.3 documented in Sept n Updated to include RIM V94 for May 2000
May 23, 2000 HL7 Government Projects SIG Issues n NCVHS is often not precise –E.g., Medications Prescribed n There are gaps –Years of schooling does not appear in V2.3 (but it does in the RIM) –Type of Facility/Place of Encounter is not mapped to the RIM - needed clarification
May 23, 2000 HL7 Government Projects SIG To use the mapping n Define the requirements to be satisfied n Address completeness issues for an implementible spec
May 23, 2000 HL7 Government Projects SIG Who does this? n What are the functional requirements motivating use of the Minimum Data Set? n Who is responsible for committing resources to satisfy them?
May 23, 2000 HL7 Government Projects SIG Any Questions?