4/27/99Health Level 7 Public Health Data Standards Consortium by Hetty Khan National Center for Health Statistics
Public Health Data Standards Consortium Background Goals Mission Statement Scope Membership Priorities and action items Working Groups
Background Workshop held on November 2-3, 1998 by the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease control and prevention, in conjunction with the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and the National committee on Vital and Health Statistics.
Background (continued) Workshop focus: –The Implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Administrative Simplification Provisions for Public Health and Health Services Research Attendees: – 85 leaders in health statistics, research, and informatics from State, Federal and National Organizations
Call for Consortium Consensus recommendation of participants: –Consortium to organize public health and health services research communities on data standards issues –Consortium as mechanism for ongoing representation of public health and health services research interests in HIPAA implementation and other data standards processes
Goals Convene local, state, and national public health and health services research entities around data standards issues, utilizing existing organizations to facilitate communication and disseminate information
Goals (continued) Identify high priority data needs that can be met through the HIPAA transaction and clinical standards, as well as other standards setting processes Encourage participation and seek formal representation on data content committees (e.g., National Uniform Billing Committee and National Uniform Claim Committee)
Goals (continued) Educate public health and health services research communities about standards issues Monitor the efforts to assure continued access to health care information by public health and health services researchers, with the appropriate safeguards for confidentiality of individually identifiable data
Mission Statement The Consortium will expand public health involvement in existing health data standards and content organizations and facilitate the development of new public health data standards. The Consortium will also help to educate the public health and health services research communities about HIPAA and health data standards issues
Scope ALL public health data Birth and death data Disease registry and surveillance data Immunization data Birth defects data Et cetera
Membership Steering Committee –State-based public health data organizations NAHDO, NAPHSIS, CSTE, ASTHO, NACCHO, PHF –Research Communities AHSR –Federal public health representatives CDC, AHCPR, HCFA
Membership (continued) Managed Care Organizations Business Coalitions Others
First Meeting Held in Atlanta on January 24-25, 1999, in conjunction with the NAHDO state invitational meeeting Discussed organizational structure Determined priorities and action items Identified working groups for specific action items
Priorities Inventory of current content requirements for state hospital discharge databases and other encounter databases –AHCPR-funded project with NAHDO, starting January, 1999
Priorities (continued) User-friendly data dictionary to help communicate the content of standard claims transactions to non-technical audience –presently researching existing efforts –specific action items to be determined in near future
Priorities (continued) High priority data elements for inclusion in the claim and claim attachment standard –Test case data elements race and ethnicity mothers medical record number –Template designed for use by anyone who would like to start discussions on a data element
Priorities (continued) Communication –Web site: workshop documents meeting minutes –Listserv: PH-CONSORTIUM-L –test case data elements posted comments requested by April 23, 1999
Priorities (continued) Representation –Increase participation in HL 7 and X 12 organizational memberships –Representatives to NUBC and NUCC Federal and state representative on each content committee
Working Groups Organizational structure and bylaws Education Communication Test case data elements
Listserv Information To subscribe: –send to with the following text in the message body: Subscribe ph-consortium-l your name To send mail: –Address your message to ph-consortium- List owner: Hetty Khan (301) ext