What is WIOA? Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law in July, It is the first legislative reform in 15 years of the public workforce system.Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
What does it mean for BEdA (Basic Ed for Adults)? WIOA brings together the core programs of federal investment in skill development and makes them partners at the “One-stop”: Worksource ( Workforce Development) Workforce Education DSHS (DOL) BEdA (Dept. Ed.) BEdA
WIOA requires BEdA to (among other things): Develop and implement effective and accessible college and career pathways. Align to the Career and College Readiness Standards and no longer stop at 10 th grade competency levels but provide students with the skills to be college-ready.Career and College Readiness Standards
The Overlap WIOA (via CCRS) requires state-funded Basic Skills programs (ABE and ESL) to extend both pathways and curriculum all the way to college level (i.e. completion of 12th grade level and transition into college courses and/or prof-tech certificate programs).CCRS This creates an overlap with Developmental English and Math. (Some overlap has already existed here at North.) In WA, this creates 2 tuition structures as well: $25 (BEdA) vs. tuition-based (and Financial Aid).
The Timeline: WIOA officially goes into effect July 1, We have a year to implement the requirements: July 1 st CCR Standards are currently being developed for ESL at a state level. Trainings for faculty to occur starting this summer. CCR Standards Conversations about “the Overlap” are happening at a national level (with Mark Mitsui), as well as at several CCs across the state. Several CCs have already done some work “merging” Developmental Ed and Basic Skills programs: Walla Walla, Clark, Pierce.
Points We Can Probably Agree On: In our climate of limited resources, any unplanned duplication of effort seems wasteful. Streamlining pathways and curriculum for pre-college students is necessary. Right now it can be confusing, and WIOA isn’t even the law yet. We must insure that all involved faculty have an appropriate teaching load. We have a year to figure this out.
Ways Forward – a discussion? What assets do our Developmental and Basic Skills programs already have in place that will be useful going forward? What opportunities does this “merger” create? What concerns do you have?