HL7 UK Affiliate Report Atlanta Sept 2007 Patrick Mitchell-Jones
Significant Events Roadshows Birmingham, York, London. 3 Meetings promoting HL7 (& HL7 UK) Concentrated on Healthcare Information Integration Excellent turnout London event 2x over subscribed – extended to over 100 Generated significant interest
WEBSITE Review and revision of HL7 UK website Incorporation of new material Marketing Plan Contracted development of Marketing plan Survey of member requirements and perceptions E-zine Production of a tri-yearly E-zine with member contributions ( %20eZine% pdf) %20eZine% pdf HL7 UK Conference London. November 2007 Significant Events
Provides a section-by-section explanation for readers with no prior knowledge of the standard, introducing new terms and concepts in sequence Over 2000 copies sold Translated into French and Japanese. 4th Normative Edition completely updated to the current HL7 Normative Standard. Additional diagrams added Content reviewed and revised to make as easy-to-read as possible New sections added on CDA and Clinical Statements The glossary revised and extended. Section added on how to read an HL7 ballot. HL7 v3 Primer