Welcome to Mini School 8A!! Mrs. Conley 8/10/ th Grade Science Overview and Class Procedures Science
Class Procedures (fill in the blanks on your paper) Bell Work (1) When the bell rings, class ______, and ______ stops (a) …you should already have your ________ or pen ready with some ______ to write on. (b) …you should already be in your ______ (c) …immediately start ________ on the bell work on the screen. (2) We write our name on _________ of our papers. (3) We raise our _____ and ________ wait to be acknowledged. (4) At the end of class, we _____ for the ________ to dismiss us. (5) When we leave, we push in our ______ and align our ______ Aug 10, 2015
8 th Grade Science Overview and Class Procedures Class Procedures (answers) Bell Work (1) When the bell rings, class _______, and _______ stops (a) …you should already have your ________ or pen ready with some ______ to write on. (b) …you should already be in your _____ (c) …immediately start ________ on the bell work on the screen. (2) We write our name on ______of our papers. (3) We raise our _____ and _________ wait to be acknowledged. (4) At the end of class, we _____ for the ________ to dismiss us. (5) When we leave, we push in our ______ and align our ______ Aug 10, 2015 starts pencil paper seat talking working hand silently wait chairsdesks teacher all
8 th Grade Science Overview and Class Procedures Other Class Procedures Bell Work (A) We are respectful towards the teacher, so we do not talk when the teacher is talking (B) We come prepared for class, so we do not ask to go back to our locker. “READY TO LEARN” (C) We have time to use the restroom in between classes, so unless it is a true emergency, we do not ask to go to the restroom. (D) We clean up after ourselves. (E) We put recyclable trash in the recycle cans, and we put regular trash in the trash cans. Aug 10, 2015
8 th Grade Science Overview and Class Procedures WBMS …The scientific method and engineering design process …Classifying animals and Fossils …Adaptation and Variation In Populations …Atoms and States of matter …Acids and Bases …Physical & Chemical properties & Chem. Reactions …Electromagnetism and the Earth’s Atmosphere …Elements and the Periodic Table …Compounds and Mixtures Science What will we study in 8 th grade science?
Materials: Paper Pencil M&M’s Paper Towel Once you receive materials wait for instructions. M&M activity Green: Something you watch/listen to Red: Something you did over the summer Orange: Something you do well Yellow: Something that happened when you were younger Blue: Your most favorite place in the world Brown: Something you can’t live without WBMS Aug 10, 2015