1 Small Tributaries Loadings Study #2: Zone 4 Line A, Cabot Blvd. Hayward Year 3 – Proposed Analyses Lester McKee Sources Pathways and Loadings Workgroup May 14 th 2008 Item #2c San Francisco Estuary Institute
2 Option A Status Quo Item #2c San Francisco Estuary Institute $76,963 AXYSMLML????Brooks Rand Number Cost PCB analysis32 $700 PBDE analysis8 $800 OC pest analysis8 $750 PAH analysis8 $400 Pyrethroids8 $750 HgT 32 $122 Hg speciation (MeHg etc) 16 $438 Reactive Hg 16$72 TMs 16 $204 Fe (total inorganic) 16 $91 SSC 100 $65 Grain size and density 20 $40 DOC 32 $35 POC 32 $35
3 Option B Dioxin and Perfluorinated (Reduce TMs and MeHg) Item #2c $76,636 San Francisco Estuary Institute AXYSMLML???Brooks Rand Number Cost PCB analysis32 $700 PBDE analysis8 $800 Dioxins8 $900 Perfluorinated8 $450 Pyrethroids8 $750 HgT 32 $122 Hg speciation (MeHg etc) 11 $438 Reactive Hg 11$72 TMs (total and dissolved) 11 $408 Fe (total inorganic) 11 $91 SSC 100 $65 Grain size and density 20 $40 DOC 32 $35 POC 32 $35