Slide 1 Item #6 Watershed Modeling at SFEI John J. Oram, Lester J. McKee, Mikolaj Lewicki SPLWG December 2007
Slide 2 Item #6 Objectives Improve understanding of monitored watersheds Determine sediment and contaminant loads from unmonitored watersheds
Slide 3 Item #6 Other Studies Bay Area Hydrologic Model (BAHM) –SCVURPPP, ACCWP, SMCWPPP –Model Used: HSPF –Purpose: Stormwater management Brake Pad Partnership (BPP) –Gov., Manufacturers, Enviros, stormwater mngers –Model Used: HSPF –Purpose: Impact of brake pad Cu on South San Francisco Bay
Slide 4 Item #6 Other Studies (continued) BAHM and BPP are where we want to be: –multi-watershed models –Water, sediment, contaminant loads However, we want to walk … not run. –Develop single watershed models where we monitor sediments and contaminants –Incrementally add watersheds as we gain knowledge
Slide 5 Item #6 Project #1 : Guadalupe River $75k funding for 2008 Objectives: –Develop HSPF model for 1)Water 2)Sediment 3)Hg and PCBs –Estimate current loads –Determine proportional flow regime –Estimate long-term avg loads
Slide 6 Item #6 Project #1 : Guadalupe River Potential Challenges –Reservoirs –Plumbing (e.g., storm drains) –Stream x-sections –Others … Would like to leverage SCCWRP –Learn Drew Ackermans HSPF secrets –Why use SWMM for BMPs?