Guadalupe River Hg Monitoring WY 2010 Jen Hunt Sources, Pathway, and Loading Work Group May 27, 2009 Item #3
Guadalupe River WY 2010 o Funded by Santa Clara Valley Water District o Final approval by SCVWD Board – pending o Monitor Hg at two Guadalupe River locations Item #3
GR Monitoring Sites Item #3
Analyte List (SCVWD portion) SiteTHgTDHgTMeHgDMeHgSSCPOCDOC Guadalupe Hwy Guadalupe Foxworthy Road o 15 minute flow and turbidity data at each site (SCVWD - USGS partnership) Item #3
Additional RMP PCB piggyback in WY 2010? oGuadalupe River Watershed in MRP oCollect land use specific data - part of the small tributary loading strategy oOrganics data in two locations of differing land use provide spatial calibration for Guadalupe model oInexpensive add on in WY 2010 Item #3