Co-Project Managers Eisenberg, Olivieri & Associates Tom Hall, Eisenberg, Olivieri & Associates, Larry Walker Associates Tom Grovhoug, Larry Walker Associates Subcontractors Pacific EcoRisk with Frontier Geoscience San Francisco Bay North of Dumbarton Bridge Copper and Nickel Impairment Assessment Regional Monitoring Program Annual Meeting March 22, 2002
Objectives Collect data to improve our understanding of aquatic toxicity of copper and ambient levels of copper and nickel in San Francisco Bay North of the Dumbarton Bridge Develop information to help make decisions regarding the (d) listing of copper and nickel in the Bay Copper and Nickel Impairment Assessment: San Francisco Bay North of Dumbarton
Funding Agencies Municipal Dischargers City of Benicia Burlingame Wastewater Treatment Plant Central Contra Costa Sanitation District Central Marin Sanitation Agency Delta Diablo Sanitation District East Bay Dischargers Authority East Bay Municipal Utility District Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District Millbrae Waste Water Treatment Plant Napa Sanitation District Novato Sanitation District City of Petaluma San Francisco International Airport City and County of San Francisco City of South San Francisco/San Bruno San Mateo Sausalito/Marin County Sanitation District Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin South Bayside System Authority Marin County Sanitary District #5, Tiburon Union Sanitary District Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District Industrial Dischargers C&H Sugar Rhodia Inc. USS Posco Ultramar Dow Chemical Equilon Stormwater Programs Alameda County Clean Water Program Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Fairfield Suisun Urban Runoff Management Program Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District
Project Guidance Coordinating Committee RWQCB BACWA Industrial Dischargers Stormwater Environmental Advocacy Groups EPA DFG Copper Development Association SFEI South Bay Liaison Technical Review Committee TOXICOLOGIST David Hansen (Hydroqual) GEOCHEMIST Jim Kuwabara (USGS) HYDRODYNAMICIST Stephen Monismith (Stanford) ECOLOGIST – PHYTOPLANKTON Brian Palenik (UCSD Scripps) Copper and Nickel Impairment Assessment: San Francisco Bay North of Dumbarton
Dissolved Copper Concentrations at Select Central Bay Monitoring Stations RMP Data EOA, Inc
Dissolved Copper Concentrations at Select North Bay Monitoring Stations RMP Data EOA, Inc
Study Highlights Extension of City of San Joses work in development of WERs for San Francisco Bay Toxicity Tests for copper using the bivalve Mytilus edulis Analytical Chemistry measuring for copper, nickel, and conventional water quality parameters Copper and Nickel Impairment Assessment: San Francisco Bay North of Dumbarton
Sample Sites
Four Sampling Events September 5/7, 2000; dry season; glassy water conditions on Bay February 13/15, 2001; wet season; turbid conditions on Bay April 22/24, 2001; wet season; scheduled to coincide with stratified conditions June 13/19, 2001; dry season; windy summer conditions
BD15 Event 2 Value 21.6
Water Quality Objective x WER = Site-Specific Objective For Example: 3.1 ug/l x 2.67 = 8.3 ug/l A Water Effects Ratio (WER) is the ratio of toxicity of a given pollutant in laboratory water to toxicity in site water. If the value of the WER exceeds 1.0, the site water reduces the toxic effects of the pollutant being tested.
Dissolved Copper SSOs and Ambient Concentrations
Ratio of Ambient Concentrations to Dissolved Copper SSOs
Next Steps Copper / Nickel Action Plans (BACWA) –POTWs and Storm Water Programs –RMP Ambient Monitoring –Triggers & Follow-up Actions –Reasonable Baseline Source Control Measures Metals Translators (BACWA) Site Specific Objective(s) Basin Plan Amendment
Bay Bridge Richmond Bridge N North Bay Central Bay Petaluma River Grizzly Bay SPB03 SPB02 SPB01 Pacheco Creek Yerba Buena Oyster Point San Bruno LCB01 LCB02 Redwood Creek Event 1, Event 2, Event 3, Event 4 Site Shallow Water Sites (<4m) LEGEND: Sampling Stations (deep and shallow) San Pablo Bay Dumbarton Bridge San Mateo Bridge
Results of Statistical Analysis of WER Values EC50 values for site water significantly greater than EC50 for lab water WER values are significantly greater than 1.0 Therefore, national copper chronic criterion (3.1 ug/l) overestimates copper toxicity in SF Bay waters
Results of Statistical Analysis of WER Values Using ANOVA No significant difference between shallow and deep stations Significant difference between Event 2 and other 3 events Significant difference between pooled values north and south of Bay Bridge
Statistical Methods for WER Value Analysis Kolmogorov-Smironov Test for normality (distribution normally distributed) Repeated measures ANOVA Significance threshold set at 95 th % confidence level (p=0.05) Paired t-tests
Mean WERs with 95% Confidence Intervals
San Jose Dissolved Copper WER
BLM Over Predicts Toxicity BLM Under Predicts Toxicity Round 4 -GC Central,GC North, BA40, BB15, LCB01, LCB02, BB30, BC10, BF10, BF20 deleted Event 2 Event 3 Event 4