NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep TimeServer Andrew Drake Robyn Allsman David Gasson Mark Huber Kathy Vivas US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep The Working Astronomers Motivation for a TD Object Tool Optical Projects –MACHO, EROS, OGLE, MOA, EROS –SuperMacho, ESSENCE –LONEOS, ROTSE –FSVS, QUEST1, PQ, MEGACAM – PANSTARRS, LSST –Specific Source – variable stars cluster studies radial velocity planet searches Pulsar studies HST, Chandra, EUVE...
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep-2005 The Working Astronomers Motivation for a TD Object Tool Science Goals –Microlensing –Planet Searches –Quasar Variability –Variable Star Zoo
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep Time Server The goal –Provide VO-enabled access to time-domain data Why? In anticipation of the upcoming TD surveys –Provide uniform access to precursor TD datasets –Foster tool development oriented on TD datasets How? –Develop A registry of time-domain datasets A generic interface for TD data extraction A client enabling: –Registry lookup of TD datasets meeting specified criterion –Retrieval of TD datasets meeting those criterion –Display/Save/Analysis of those TD dataset
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep T.D. Registry Service T.D. Object Extractor Service TD Object DataScope ADQL Fronted TD Database Servers The Future
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep T.D. Registry Service T.D. Object Extractor Service Quest RR Lyrae TD Extractor Service MACHO TD Extractor Service FetchEm Favorite DB TD Extractor Current Reality
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep Reality of Current Database Configurations Fully ADQL enabled –Quest RR Lyrae dataset Partially ADQL enabled –Macho ADQL enabled for variable star cone search REST/http for lightcurve retrieval http/GET enabled –NSVS/ROTSE –OGLE –AAVSO –Quest1
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep Fully ADQL-enabled TD Extractor One stop shopping. Generally a TD dataset contains at least two tables: Overarching info on each star (ra/dec/starId/…) Measurements for each Observation in T.D. series –A single query should suffice to extract the T.D data ** Select o.* from Gentable g, Obstable o Where point(g.ra, g.dec) within region(,, ) and o.starId = g.starId and ** Maybe … dont know if ADQL syntax supports this.
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep Partially ADQL-enabled TD Extractor for MACHO TD dataset MACHO TD Server –integrates VO/non-VO enabled servers –to retrieve TD lightcurves based on constraints The Macho Variable Star catalog is now ADQL- enabled via SkyNodeSoap service Cone search on ra/dec + constraints provides lookup key for TD series retrieval Lightcurve retrieval is http/GET accessible –Responses must be scrubbed to extract relevant data reformatted into VOTable for return
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep Near Term Direction Use the SSAP time domain definition for VO object construction Contact other TD providers to gauge their interest in VO-enabling their data –Wrap other TD http/GET datasets as desired Build the generic TD Object server Build a simple client for TD Object retrieval –Morph that into a TD Datascope
NVO Summer School, Aspen 9-Sep