Development of a refined conceptual model for aquatic food webs in San Francisco Bay RMP 2007 Proposed Special Study
Overarching questions How is the SF Bay food web organized? What is the relative role of sediments vs. the water column as transport pathways of contaminants to biota? Is there food-web driven spatial variation in contaminant uptake?
Source: Bridges et al. 2006
SpeciesPrey types Contaminant pathways Spatial variation in diet Shiner surfperch Epibenthic invertebratesSediment and boundary layer No White croaker Benthic and epibenthic invertebrates and small fish Sediment and boundary layer No Topsmelt Algae and zooplanktonWater columnNo Silverside Epibenthic, terrestrial invertebrates, and zooplankton Sediment and water column No Least tern Small pelagic forage fish (e.g., topsmelt, silverside) Water columnYes (prey types) Harbor seal Large pelagic forage fishWater columnYes (prey types) Hypotheses:
Approach Review literature and local data ($5,000) Field sample collection ($2,000) Gut content analysis of fishes ($10,000) Communication of results ($3,000)
Review literature and local information Focus on updating or refining conceptual model for key species –Is the model accurate? Is it likely to vary spatially? Harbor seals, least terns, surfperch, croaker, small fish Multiple data sources –Previous unpublished studies on surfperch, croaker (Port of Oakland, Regional Board/MLML, DFG historic studies) –Harbor seals publications – Dianne Kopec, Emma Grigg –Least tern diets – Meredith Elliot, USFWS, SFBNWR, Calfed Project –IEP and IRWMP silverside diets –Literature review
Field sample collection Collection will have to be opportunistic due to budgetary limitations Leveraged from other projects –RMP Fish Shiner perch and croaker –EEPS small fish Hg 2006 and 2007 – topsmelt and silverside –EEPS endocrine effects to small fish 2007 (Kevin Kelley) – surfperch –IEP trawl surveys –USFWS Beach seine surveys Picking up fish and fixing stomachs
Laboratory gut content analysis Target fish species Focus on sufficient information to determine proportion benthic vs. pelagic prey –ID to order or family level –Some estimates of relative mass or volume –Trade off between number of fish vs. detail level of information If field sampling is sufficient, will examine spatial variation in prey types Details to be worked out with subcontractor
Communication of results Focus on interaction and communication with RB and other interested stakeholders –Summary presentation of findings and discussion of future research directions Short (approximately 5 pp.) technical memo
Possible next steps in future years Refine estimates of sediment vs. surface water in contaminant uptake Incorporate refined dietary estimates into food web model Combine food web and fate models –Role of sediments vs. water column –Spatial variation in sources