Sep 4, 2008NVOSS 20081 VO From the Command-Line Mike Fitzpatrick NOAO.


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Presentation transcript:

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VO From the Command-Line Mike Fitzpatrick NOAO

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Introduction The Portals discussed yesterday show typical VO-access modes using the web. However, this isnt easily scriptable (same is true for GUI applications). –Saving results is done manually –Data not easily saved for analysis in other environments What we need are general VO client applications we can script

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOClient Overview Hides details of VO implementation from applications Provides: –Hi-level, easy-to-use interface between applications and the distributed VO framework, –Client-side VO interfaces returning higher- level structures (like tables) rather than a service API, –Equivalent functionality in all supported languages Caches entire result until queried by app

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Architecture Modeled after database server VOClient Daemon –Multi-threaded –Java access to VO svcs –Layered on DAL, Registry and services API –C-based, custom and SWIG bindings –Communicates w/ voclientd using proprietary RPC protocol Connection Oriented –Allows voclientd to maintain state on behalf of client Python IRAF, IDL, etc. Java VOCLIENTD dalclient registry, etc. Other…

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS API Example voc_initVOClient (config_opts) voc_closeVOClient (shutdown_flag) query = voc_regQuery (term, orValues) voc_regAddSearchTerm (query, term, orValue) voc_regRemoveSearchTerm (query, term) count = voc_regGetSTCount (query) str = voc_regGetQueryString (query) res = voc_regExecute (query) str = voc_regExecuteRaw (query)

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS From API to Apps VOSESAME Name resolver using Sesame service (Simbad/NED) Configurable output, multiple inputs VOREGISTRY VO Registry search and resource resolution VODATA Uses capabilities of both of the above VO catalog and image access (spectra in progress)

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VO-CLI in NVOSS Software in NVOSS_HOME$vo-cli directory To build: % cd $NVOSS_HOME/vo-cli % make install This installs binaries in the package bin directory, to use these tools you must install to some directory in your path like the $NVOSS_HOME/bin % cp bin/* $NVOSS_HOME/bin % cp voclientd $NVOSS_HOME/bin % cp -r voclient.jars $NVOSS_HOME/bin

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOSesame: Name Resolution Usage: vosesame [ ] [ | [...] ] -a print all information about the object -d print position in decimal degrees (default) -e print position errors -h print help summary -n print object name -t print object type -s print position as sexagesimal coordinates -v print verbose warning output -i invert search to print unresolved objects -f force Sesame svc invocation and ignore cached values -o specify output file (default: stdout) -A output an ASCII table of results (default) -C output a CSV table of results -T output a TSV table of results -H output a table heading

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOSesame: Examples 1) Print the coordinates of NGC4456 decimal degrees % vosesame ngc ) Print the sexagesimal coordinates of multiple objects include the type: % vosesame -st m31 00:42: :16:09.4 LINER 3) Print the decimal coordinates of those same objects listed in the file 'myobjs.txt', output as CSV, include a header, and print the id, coords, type: % vosesame -CHndt myobjs.txt #Name,DRA,DDEC,Type, m31, , ,LINER m51, , ,Seyfert_2 m99, , ,HII_G : : : :

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOSesame: Examples Calculator Mode: % vosesame -nd m98 m [EOF] Print the sexagesimal and decimal values for multiple user coords: % vosesame -s -c 12:30: :00:0.0 -c :30: :00: :30: :03:00.0

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VORegistry: Registry Query/Resolve Command-line query of the VO Registry Two Major Modes: –Search (typical keyword search) –Resolve (ShortName/Identifier to something else) List full resource record List table metadata Count matching records Arbitrary ADQL searches Constrain searches –Bandpass, Service Type or ContentLevel

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VORegistry: Examples 1) Find all services with radio data of Abell clusters. % voregistry -b radio abell 2) Find all resources that mention Keck, how many are image services? % voregistry -count keck % voregistry -t image -count keck

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOData: Data Access Multi-threaded queries (hundreds/min) Simple names for resources (e.g. 2mass- xsc and not ivo://irsa.ipac/2MASS-XSC) Various output formats (XML/ASCII/CSV/KML…) Not complete in terms of what VOClient API provides Callable from variety of scripting languages Interacts with NVO Portal Targeted for power users

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VOData: Usage vodata [ ] [ [[ [ ]]] ] vodata [ ] [ ]

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS VO-CLI For all tasks, a -h flag will print help The voclientd will be started automatically Web interface allows you to experiment with options. Note the command being executed is printed. So, what can we actually do with this??

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 1) How many image services currently provide data for the GOODS survey?

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 1)How many image services currently provide data for the GOODS survey? Solution: % voregistry -t image goods % voregistry -count -t image goods

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 2) Where can you get an HST 4350A image of the center of the HDF?

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 2) Where can you get an HST 4350A image of the center of the HDF? Solution: % vodata -O hdf -eu HST.GOODS.Cutout \ "Hubble Deep Field" 0.01 the file 'hdf.urls' will contain the acrefs, last image is the F435 possible to use the "-get" flag to simply download them all, or elsepass the hdf.urls in to download

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 3) How many Bautz-Morgan type II Abell clusters are within 20 degrees of the south pole?

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 3) How many Bautz-Morgan type II Abell clusters are within 20 degrees of the south pole? Solution: % vodata -V -O - ivo://nasa.heasarc/abell | \ stilts tpipe ifmt=votable in=- \ cmd='select "bmtype == \"II\""' omode="count"

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 4) How many of them are in the ROSAT FSC (within 10')

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 4) How many of them are in the ROSAT FSC (within 10') Solution: Regenerate the data query, but save results: % vodata -V -O - ivo://nasa.heasarc/abell | \ stilts tpipe ifmt=votable in=- \ cmd='select "bmtype == \"II\""' \ ofmt=votable out=bmII.xml Submit to Inventory, looking for ROSAT catalogs: % vodata -I -rm 10 any bmII.xml | grep ROSAT total of only 4 clusters match. Query the RASS FSC for the data: % vodata -O - -A -rm 10 RASS/FSC bmII.xml We see that one of the clusters (A3628) matches to 5 distinct X- ray sources, but in this tool we didn't crossmatch to the Abell number. (This could be done easily using STILTS, however)

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 5) How many chromospherically active binaries are EUV sources … seen by the ROSAT WFC? …seen by EUVE?

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 5) How many chromospherically active binaries are EUV sources? … seen by the ROSAT WFC? …seen by EUVE? Solution: Do a registry query to find the catalog and download it as an all-sky table: % voregistry chromospherically active binary % vodata -V -O sources ChrAcBin Send it to Inventory and grep for results: % vodata -I -rs 10 any source.xml | egrep -i "rosat|euv" Second EUVE catalog shows 30 matches, WFC 2RE shows 9 matches

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 6) How many stars with known exoplanets have been observed by ST? Solution: - Try to find a catalog in the Registry: % voregistry -R exoplanet - Access the entire table and send it to Inventory: % vodata -O planets -V J/ApJ/646/ % vodata -I -rm 1 any planets_table2.xml | grep HST

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 7) Write a script that will show you the rough number of HST, Chandra and Spitzer observations at a given location.

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 7) Write a script that will show you the rough number of HST, Chandra and Spitzer observations at a given location. Solution 1: vodata -n hst $1 $2.02 2>/dev/null | grep hst vodata -n spitzer $1 $2.2 2>/dev/null | grep spitzer vodata -n chandra $1 $2.2 2>/dev/null | grep chandra When given 3c273 as the object this gives: hst 238 C Hubble Space Telescope spitzer 23 C Spitzer Space Telescope Observation Log chandra 35 I Chandra X-Ray Observatory Data Archive

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS Scavenger Hunt 7) Write a script that will show you the rough number of HST, Chandra and Spitzer observations at a given location. Solution 2: #!/bin/csh -f vodata -n hst,chandra,spitzer $1 $2 $3 |& grep -v -e "#"

Sep 4, 2008NVOSS