Sources Pathways and Loadings 5-year Work plan Received and discussed special and pilot studies proposals at WG meetings Small tributaries reconnaissance study Posters for SOE, National SETAC Mallard Island Sediment Loads Paper in Press
5-year Work Plan Idea conceived in 2004 and discussed at the two WG meetings First Draft completed in April and sent out for WG review Discussed in May WG meeting Written comments received in June Document approved by TRC and SPL during Aug/Sept
Small tributaries reconnaissance study Consistent with the SPL work plan, we went looking for another location to study concentrations and loads in detail Technical memo to be presented on Thursday at SPLWG Matrix to data on each of 17 locations Photos and small paragraph description of each locations SPLWG to decide of best location for a potential future study and recommend to the TRC
SOE Poster - Guadalupe
National SETAC Poster - Mallard
National SETAC Poster - Guadalupe
Paper In Press