Welcome to this Remembrance Service Please take a moment to be quiet as we begin.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to this Remembrance Service Please take a moment to be quiet as we begin.

No one has greater love than this…. That he lays down his life for others

Why have you forsaken me?

Welcome to this Remembrance Service Please take a moment to be quiet as we begin.

No one has greater love than this…. That he lays down his life for others

Why have you forsaken me?

Welcome to this Remembrance Service Please take a moment to be quiet as we begin.

No one has greater love than this…. That he lays down his life for others

Why have you forsaken me?

Have you ever seen anything like this? Ever seen pain like my pain, seen what he did to me, what GOD did to me in his rage?

36 You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, "I'll pray for you,' and never doing it, or saying, "God be with you,' and not meaning it.

How would you pray in this?

“I was once in a lively worship service. It was joyful and full of enthusiasm. We came to the prayers. This was a time when terrible famine was gripping parts of North Africa, and the news bulletins were full of harrowing pictures. We prayed together for the aid agencies, for the starving, for governments to be generous. Our words were thoughtful, sincere, but characteristically restrained and polite.

Then from the back came a loud voice with a strong Australian accent: “Lord, I just don’t know what you’re playing at. What are you doing?” The honest directness of the prayer cut across the whole service.”

36 You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, "I'll pray for you,' and never doing it, or saying, "God be with you,' and not meaning it.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Ever seen pain like my pain, seen what he did to me, what GOD did to me in his rage?

“I want someone to teach me a song to sing over the dying child caught in crossfire, or a prayer for the old man in a freezing refugee camp who weeps as he tries to eat bread made out of grass and dirt.”

Why have you forsaken me?

Hear me, Lord, and draw near; In mercy, listen to my plea: I am worn out, weary and exhausted, And my soul is troubled deep within me.

Lord, how long will you tarry? Come quickly, come to my distress; In kindness, rescue me from death, Let me see the day when I can praise you.

I am worn out by grief: Every night confusion fills my mind, My pillow is soaked with tears And my eyes are dim and sore with weeping.

Lord, you hear how I cry; The sound of weeping fills you ears. I trust in you for deliverance And an end to all that now defeats me.

3.6 million

Thank you for coming. Or stay for coffee. Please join the prayers at the Cenotaph There is a retiring collection for the British Legion

Next week: “Creating Space for God”. 8 am and 9.15 am: Holy Communion. 11 am All Age worship