SFEIS SCIENCE PROGRAMS Contaminants Davis, Thompson Wetlands MonitoringJosh Collins Watershed ScienceLester McKee Biological InvasionsAndy Cohen Supporting Programs: Historical Ecology Robin Grossinger Information Technology Michael May
CONTAMINANT MONITORING AND RESEARCH PROGRAM ProjectFunderPI Grasslands Bypass USBRYee CISNetEPA, UCD Thompson, Davis Aquatic PesticidesSWRCBSiemering PCBs in EffluentWSPAYee Mercury in DeltaCALFEDDavis EMAP – NOAAEPAThompson Toxicity in SplittailCALFEDDavis SRWP Fish TissueSRCSDDavis OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the understanding of contaminant loading, fate, and effects in the Estuary.
CISNet SAN PABLO BAY STUDY OBJECTIVE: Design a monitoring network that is temporally and spatially adequate to provide advance warning of the ecological impacts of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Variables Lead Hydrological ScalesUCD Geochemistry ScalesUCD Sed. Tox., Biomarkers UCD Benthic AssessmentsSFEI Fish Tissue Contam.SFEI Corm. Egg Contam. SFEI Song Sparrow Reprod. PRBO
Dioxins in Sediments, 2000 Funded by US EPA Region IX (Data from J. Pederson, Univ. Wisconsin)
AQUATIC PESTICIDE MONITORING PROGRAM MONITORING PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Evaluate water quality impacts associated with application of aquatic pesticides; evaluate effectiveness of Best Management Practices to reduce or eliminate impacts. TASKS: 1. Create Organizational Structure a. Steering Committee, Technical Review Group b. Management and Assessment Questions 2. Prepare Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Plan a. Literature Review and Synthesis b. Create Monitoring Plan c. Implement Monitoring Plan 3. Project Management a. Quality Assurance, Data Management b. Reporting
CALFED MERCURY PROJECT: SPORT FISH OBJECTIVES 1) Human health concerns 2) Long term temporal trends 3) Spatial patterns 4) Factors influencing mercury in sport fish Sampling in 2000 and 2001 Final Report in Preparation
WATERSHEDS PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Research and map the physical chemical, biological form and function in a regional context. Communicate the results to scientists, managers, and the community. Prioritize where to place research effort on a regional basis. ProjectFunderPI Napa River BaselineEPA, SWRCBMcKee Bay Area Basemap (NHD) VariousWittner Storm Drain MapSWRCBMcKee Napa StewardshipNRCD, CALFEDMcKee Nutrient TMDLRWQCBMcKee Napa Historical Ecol.Napa VintnersGrossinger Sonoma Historical Ecol.Sonoma Ecol. Ctr.Grossinger
NAPA STEWARDSHIP SUPPORT OBJECTIVES: Work with the Napa RCD and Carneros Ck. and Sulphur Ck. stewardships to carry out watershed assessments necessary to develop watershed management plans to enhance creek value SFEI TASKS: 1. Stewardship and technical team meetings to discuss creek values and multidisciplinary assessment progress 2. Instream Geomorphology – Fieldwork, analysis and reporting 3. Historical Ecology a. Landscape flora and fauna b. Instream flora, fauna, and geomorphology 4. Management plan development a. Assist the Napa RCD and creek groups b. Report the project at the CALFED Science Conference
STORM DRAIN MAPPING OBJECTIVES: Improve regional knowledge and mapping of natural and modified drainage networks in the Bay Area TASKS: 1. Inventory of GIS coverages 2. Pilot area (Fremont) and development of recommendations a. Mapping b. Data and methodologies 3. NHD (National Hydrography Data Set) a. Collaborate with USGS b. Complete Coyote Creek Catalogue Unit 4. Pilot synthesis of NHD and storm drains maps a. Combine NHD with storm drain maps developed by Oakland Museum and William Lettis & Associates Inc. b. Describe methodology and difficulties
WETLANDS MONITORING OBJECTIVES: Coordinate design and implementation of wetlands regional monitoring program, contribute to scientific basis for wetland restoration, and enhance coordination of wetland research. ProjectFunderPI Non Indigenous PlantsCALFEDCollins Spartina MonitoringCALFED, CCCCollins WRMP DevelopmentEPA, CCCCollins S F Bay EMAPEPACollins Wetland IndicatorsEPA, UCDCollins EcoAtlas Info. SystemCALFED, DonnerCollins, May Contaminant ProfilesRose FoundationCollins
TeamLeadership Information TechnologyM. May, SFEI BiogeochemistryJ. Davis, SFEI Physical ProcessesK. Malamud-Roam, Contra Costa MAD VegetationM. Vasey, SFSU InvertebratesW. Maffae, Napa MAD FishT. Hopkins, SFBNERR Amphibians/ReptilesM. Jenkins, Rana Assoc. BirdsG. Page, PRBO N. Nur, PRBO MammalsA. Breaux, SFBRWQCB T. Kucera, Kucera Assoc. Landscape EcologyM. Kelly, UCB
Indicator Development U.S. CWA Section 104 U.S. EPA EMAP Ambient Status and Trends CALFED Science Program U.S. EPA EMAP Project Performance Bair Island Crissy Field Montezuma Wetlands Information Management U.S. CWA Section 104 CALFED Science Program BDSC?
BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS OBJECTIVES: Provide information on the extent and impacts of invasions, factors that affect success of invasions, mechanisms of transport and release, and the potential for eradication and control of exotic species. ProjectFunderPI So. Calif. Biol. StudySWRCB, NFWFCohen Tropical InvasionsPewCohen Spartina InvasionNSF, UCDCohen, Nordby Ballast SamplingDoD, NCSUCohen Zebra Mussel Assessmt.DWRCohen