Opportunities and Challenges in Education Barbara Laverty 2007
Changes and legislation International and European Laws Government Legislation Regional Planning Local Implementation
Every Child Matters the Aim Ensure that every child has the chance to reach their full potential by reducing levels of educational failure, ill health, substance misuse, teenage pregnancy, abuse & neglect, crime & anti-social behaviour among children and young people.
Every Child Matters the Focus Focus needs to be on both the universal services which every child uses, and on more targeted services for those with additional needs.
Every Child Matters Areas of Concern Poor co-ordination of services Failure to share information Accountability Staff Vacancies Management Training
Recommendations ECM Supporting parents and carers Early intervention Accountability and integration – locally, regionally and nationally Workforce reform. 6
Introduction of ECM 1Sure Start Centres 2Wrap round service in school with the introduction of breakfast clubs, after school clubs child care and health support services on site 3After school activities and through the Young People’s Fund 4Child and adolescent mental health services 5Speech and Language therapy (National Framework for Children) 6Homelessness 7Reforms of youth justice system
Continuing Consultation and ECM National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education NIACE advpcates Family Learning
RCSLT 2006 Paper Supporting Children with speech, language and communication needs within integrated children’s services
RCSLT challenges 4 Key Areas 1. Delivering effective support 2. Planning for maximum impact 3. Systems for strategy 4. Developing the workforce
Working Models
Group working Multidisciplinary Attention & Listening Oro-motor Language groups Class groups Social Skills Makaton
Regional differences
Revised Curriculum Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Framework Keystage 1 to Keystage 4 Quest for Learning Assessment and guidance or pupils with PMLD
Curricular Changes NI Implementation beginning next academic year. Promotes practice of collaborative working, grater emphasis of play and personal development and social skills right across the age range.
Tor Bank School School for children with SLD Nursery to 19 years
Working Partnerships In working in school we have three main partners Parents Education Health Professionals
Challenges of partnership Professional differences Time Respect Self Discipline Expectations
Three Projects Safe Hands Project Banner Project Community Team DVD (Oro Motor skills)
Safe Hands Parents Education Health (SLT) Community Safeway supermarket
Banner Project Education SLT Community
Banner Picture
Oro Motor DVD SLT Nursery Sure Start Team Continues to develop
Three Cords Three cords in a rope working together create strength Three musical Chords played together create harmony Being inclusive we create strong teams that Encourage and Empower
Is it worth it?