The SLA cluster OGF20, May 2007 Igor Rosenberg ATOS ORIGIN
Business Experiments in GRID 2 BEinGrid Project Data Sheet Type of project: Integrated Project Project coordinator: Mr. Santi Ristol (ATOS ORIGIN) Project start date: 1st June 2006 Duration: 42 months (Nov 2008) Budget: 24.7 M Euros Max EC contribution: 15.7 M Euros (63%) Consortium: 75 partners Effort: 2713 PM (226 PY,65 P, h) The mission of BEINGRID is to Exploit European Grid middleware by creating a toolset repository of Grid services from across the Grid research domain and to use these services to deliver a set of successful business experiments that stimulate the early adoption of Grid technologies across the European Union.
Business Experiments in GRID 3 BEinGrid at a glance 18 Business experiences (first wave) –Service Provider + Integrator + End User –12 different sectors : retailing, architecture, textile, finance, … –Second wave: 5/6 more will start in 2008 (based on open call) Cross activities –Technical clusters (security, portals, VO, SLA, …) –Business Repository –Documents (designs, howtos, success stories, …) –Software (generic components) Real world!
Business Experiments in GRID 4 BEinGRID S&T Approach Technical cross activities Trust & Security VO Management Service & Data Mgt Architecture & Interop Selected branches: GTv4, UNICORE/GS, g-Lite, GRIA, WS-* Business cross activities Dissem. & Exploitation Market Study Business Modeling Middleware 1 Middleware 2 Mdw -n BE1 BE2BE3... BE4 BE5 BE18 Repository SLA Cluster
Business Experiments in GRID 5 The SLA Cluster General Presentation The Service Level Agreement Cluster considers the typical SLA lifecycle: –Stage 1: Development of a service and creation of SLA templates for this service –Stage 2: Discovery and negotiation of an SLA –Stage 3: Service provisioning and deployment –Stage 4: Execution of the service –Stage 5: Assessment and corrective actions (when necessary) –Stage 6: Decommission of the service 8 out of 18 Biz Experiments have expressed interest in the SLA Cluster –BE08, BE10, BE16 are the most relevant with clear SLA utilisation Aim of the cluster: –Discover requirements, –Sort by importance, –Produce design patterns PENDING –Produce generic components PENDING
Business Experiments in GRID 6 The SLA Cluster The initial topics and BEs T1: SLA Template Guidance to the write-up of the SLA template offered by providers: how-tos, skeleton, GUI, traps to avoid. Medium T2: Publication and Discovery Mechanism to allow an efficient management of distributed resources is proposed (good-use rules, to facilitate the work of a matcher). Low T3: Negotiation Tools easing the negotiation (bargain) of an SLA Medium T4: Optimisation of Resource Selection Selection of the most suitable host (to deploy and execute a service), optimise a predefined measure of system efficiency. Medium T5: Monitoring SLA Monitor system that checks the status of the SLA is proposed High T6: Re-negotiation Changing an already accepted SLA. Novelty is the existence of a previous contract providing initial values, and possibly running jobs (migration). Low T7: Evaluation Comparing predicting all the terms of the agreed SLA with the current situation (gained through monitoring), to discover potential violations to the agreement. High T8: Accounting Calculate the price for a given service (related to the SLA-metrics) Low T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8 BE03XXX BE06XXXXXXX BE07XX BE08XXXXX BE09XXXXXXX BE10X BE16XX Most relevant BEs (major interest on SLAs) Importance
Business Experiments in GRID 7 The most relevant topics The GRIA middleware has an advanced SLA management module. Monitoring SLA Monitor system that checks the status of the SLA is proposed Evaluation Comparing predicting all the terms of the agreed SLA with the current situation (gained through monitoring), to discover potential violations to the agreement. Depending on biz relevance
Business Experiments in GRID 8 Research openings Within BEinGrid: Most needed capacities Design patterns Components Repository Research: –SLA Accounting –Composition of SLAs –Negotiation 11 and 1* –Translate QoS terms from user language to provider language Templates? Negotiation? Monitoring?
Business Experiments in GRID 9
THANK YOU © BEinGRID Consortium
Business Experiments in GRID 11 2nd wave of experiments… and opportunity for collaboration There will be an open call to establish a set of 5-6 new Business Experiments -The new BE should last round month maximum. -Available 330K (approx) funding per experiment -The BE must be based on semi-mature technology, include the full value chain (End- User, Integrator and Service Provider) and present a preliminary business plan -Open call text available after this summer, new BE start in Jan/Feb 2008
Business Experiments in GRID 12 BEinGrid 8 main objectives To study and gather the requirements for the commercial Grid environment, evaluating current and proposing new business models considering aspects To design and build a Grid toolset repository based on different Grid foundation middleware (Globus Toolkit v4, Unicore/GS, gLite, WSRF.NET, GRIA and open Axis plus WS-* standards) To enable and validate the adoption of Grid technologies in industry and services, addressing in particular small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To realize a critical mass of business experiments (Grid-enabled pilots) embracing a broad spectrum of economic sectors To produce a set of successful case studies as a result of putting into practice the real-world pilots and to report the best-practice guidelines of Grid pilot experiences. To contribute to making the NGG transparently usable, persistent and scalable up to global pervasiveness, Identify further generic components out of the Business Experiments to complete the available solutions and integrate them into the repository. For the second phase of the business experiments, to provide through the repository, a mechanism for current research projects in the Grid domain a platform to provide their software and components to a wide community.
Business Experiments in GRID 13 BEinGRID at a glance SP Experiments by sectors Experiments by technology Common facilities SP Business Experiment Value Chain End- User Service Provider Integrator Finance MultiMedia Retailing Logistics Chemistry Goverment - Public service Aerospace Enviromental Science Textile Ship Building Engineering Automotive