Can Enterprise Grids Afford to Leave Data Storage Issues Behind? OGF 19 Panel 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Sunflower Room February 1, 2007
Panelists Vincent Franceschini (HDS/SNIA/OGF SN-CG) J.S. Hurley (Boeing/OGF/SNIA/Moderator) Jean-Pierre Prost (IBM/OGF ADCOM) Paul Strong (eBay/OGF) Alan Yoder (NetApp /OGF SN-CG / SNIA TC) Location: Sunflower
ABSTRACT The penetration of Grid solutions in the Enterprise is generating a lot of questions with regards to its integration with existing IT infrastructures and its ability to leverage IT assets, such as Data Storage systems. Besides the known benefits for scaling performance and resource utilizations, Grids will be asked to support the overall requirements to better align IT with changing business environments. So what does it take from Data and Storage to make Grid successful in the Enterprise? The panel participants will review the Data & Storage challenges of Grid in the Enterprise and propose work directions to help addressing them.
Topics What are the most critical Data and Information Management challenges in the foreseeable future? What worked and what hasnt worked? Can the Grid effectively solve key Enterprise Storage issues? What are the Next Steps?
Walk Away Points 2 minute reflection (max.) by each panelist that you want the audience to walk away remembering.