Premise We have a sufficient corpus of specifications and profiles to realize (implement) identified use cases in computing and data. Customer (user) value of standards is increased when they permit interoperability between packages/systems/vendors and when concepts can be transferred from one system to another.
Why did we bother? If there is to have been any point to this whole exercise we need to –Demonstrate interoperability of functioning infrastructures – not just demos and one-offs –Vendors (including infrastructure providers) will not implement without customer demand. –Get vendors to adopt/implement specifications and profiles
How to proceed? Identify who are the trend-setting customers? Identify who are the trend-setting vendors? Show them that adapting to standards is not difficult and will not damage their market position
Who are the customers Federal –NSF/Teragrid – Dane Skow Globus –EU - Kyriacos – will he be at OGF EGEE/Unicore –NIH in general cancer grid Globus & mixed –DoD/NSA area –E-Science user communities Globus, Unicore, EGEE, Condor –NAREGI, Tokyo Inst. Tech (Satoshi) Commercial –??? Pharmas, EDA, Boeing, GM ???
Who are the trend-setting vendors? Globus EU – Kyriacos to arm-twist EGEE/Unicore EGEE/gLite (Erwin) –RNS, ByteIO, BES, JSDL, security stuff Unicore –Acham, RNS/ByteIO (and user interfaces) would give them functionality they do not have now Microsoft Platform Condor Altair Sun Sybase Oracle Amazon (EC2, S3)
Action Get together at OGF with –Kryiacos, Dane, Matsuoka, Gentzsch Action – to them suggesting a meeting, Dave and Andrew to assemble –Get Craig and/or Steve and Chris into the loop Discuss adoption at the OGSA strategy session, Tuesday.