Bringing scholarly communication in kicking and screaming into the Internet age Thomas Krichel
Structure of this talk Digital libraries for scholarly communication –why –what –which The example of RePEc Digital libraries for Basque Studies
Digital Libraries (DL) Organised collections of digital contents Often accessible over the Internet Allow synchronous access to data by any number of users Of interest to scholars because they allow them to exchange information provide an alternative to commercial publication
DL may avoid the Faustian Bargain Scholars produce work for free. Scholars review for free. Scholars buy back their own work from the publishers. Academics pay twice!
Some disciplines have organised DLs NCSTRL CCSB RePEc Founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 based at Los Alamos National Laboratory completely centralised collection many mirrors of the archive over 120,000 papers
NCSTRL Stands for Networked Computer Science Technical Report Library uses a software that implements a distributed protocol called Dienst has about 10,000 papers online shares a common set called CORR
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies Uses BibTeX bibliographies snarfed of the Internet Extensive efforts to remove duplicate records gives access to over 30,000 documents lacks a coherent structure
RePEc Decentralised Contributors only use standard protocols Is not limited to document but aims to describe the whole discipline
RePEc principle Many archives –archives offer metadata about digital objects (mainly working papers) One database –The data from all archives forms one single logical database despite the fact that it is held on different servers. Many services –users can access the data through many interfaces. –providers of archives offer their data to all interfaces at the same time. This provides for an optimal distribution.
RePEc is based on 130+ archives WoPEc EconWPA DEGREE S-WoPEc NBER CEPR US Fed in Print IMF OECD MIT University of Surrey CO PAH
…to form one dataset... over 80,000 items in over 1,000 series, contains working paper, published paper, software, personal and institutional data largest distributed free source about online scientific publications, over 23,000 electronic papers
RePEc is used in many services BibEc and WoPEc Decomate Z39.50 service NEP: New Economics Papers Inomics IDEAS RuPEc EDIRC HoPEc
… describes documents Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Title: Dynamic Aspect of Growth and Fiscal Policy Author-Name: Thomas Krichel Author-Person: RePEc:per: :thomas_krichel Author- Author-Name: Paul Levine Author- Author-WorkPlace-Name: University of Surrey Classification-JEL: C61; E21; E23; E62; O41 File-URL: ftp:// pub/RePEc/sur/surrec/surrec9601.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Creation-Date: Revision-Date: Handle: RePEc:sur:surrec:9601
… describes persons (HoPEc) Template-Type: ReDIF-Person 1.0 Name-Full: KRICHEL, THOMAS Name-First: THOMAS Name-Last: KRICHEL Postal: 1 Martyr Court 10 Martyr Road Guildford GU1 4LF England Homepage: Workplace-Institution: RePEc:edi:desuruk Author-Paper: RePEc:sur:surrec:9801 Author-Paper: RePEc:sur:surrec:9601 Author-Paper: RePEc:rpc:rdfdoc:concepts Author-Paper: RePEc:rpc:rdfdoc:ReDIF Handle: RePEc:per: :THOMAS_KRICHEL
… describes institutions (EDIRC) Template-Type: ReDIF-Institution 1.0 Primary-Name: University of Surrey Primary-Location: Guildford Secondary-Name: Department of Economics Secondary-Phone: (01483) Secondary- Secondary-Fax: (01483) Secondary-Postal: Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH Secondary-Homepage: Handle: RePEc:edi:desuruk
The RePEc vision It is a collaborative effort of community wide-knowledge sharing by discpline champions and librarians. The relational features allow to share the burden of cataloguing and reduce the cost of keeping the collection up-to-date. Once a critical mass of data and user services is reached outsiders face strong incentives to contribute. RePEc promotes free exchange of data between academics. It fights the appropriation of scientific material through the Faustian Bargain of academics and publishers.
Digital Library for Basque Studies? Building large corpus of free Basque texts look at project Gutenberg publish research papers online and keep a central index Set up a relational database that links the primary texts in the corpus to research material that is written about them