Chapter 12 L12-4 Notes: Mass and Capacity in the Metric System
Metric Units of Mass The mass of an object is the amount of material it contains. Unit Model Benchmark 1 milligram (mg) grain of salt 1mg ≈ oz 1 gram (g) small paper clip 1g ≈ 0.04 oz 1 kilogram (kg) six medium apples 1kg ≈ 2 lbs. 1kg ≈ 1000 g
Examples Write the metric unit of mass that you would use to measure each of the following. Then estimate the mass. 1. sheet of notebook paper A sheet of paper has a mass greater than a small paper clip, but less than six apples. So, the gram is the appropriate unit. Estimate A sheet of paper is a little heavier than a paper clip. One estimate for the mass of a sheet of paper is about 6 grams. 2. bag of potatoes A bag of potatoes has a mass greater than six apples. So, the kilogram is the appropriate unit. Estimate A bag of potatoes is several times heavier than six apples. One estimate for the mass of a bag of potatoes is about 2 or 3 kilograms.
On Your Own… Write the metric unit of mass that you would use to measure each of the following. Then estimate the mass. 1. Tennis ball 2. Horse 3. Aspirin
Metric Units of Capacity Unit Model Benchmark 1 milliliter (mL) eyedropper 1 mL ≈ 0.03 fl oz 1 liter (L) small pitcher 1 L ≈ 1 qt
Use Metric Units of Capacity Write the metric unit of capacity that you would use to measure each of the following. Then estimate the capacity. 3. large fishbowl A large fishbowl has a capacity greater than a small pitcher. So, the liter is the appropriate unit. Estimate A fishbowl will hold about 2 small pitchers of water. One estimate for the capacity of a fishbowl is about 2 liters. 4. glass of milk A glass of milk is greater than an eyedropper and less than a small pitcher. So, the milliliter is the appropriate unit. Estimate There are 1,000 milliliters in a liter. A small pitcher can fill about 4 glasses. One estimate for the capacity of a glass of milk is about or 250 milliliters.
On Your Own… Write the metric unit of capacity that you would use to measure each of the following. Then estimate the capacity. 1. Bathtub drops of food coloring