CCHS Plastics Technology Mr. Thomas
What is acrylic plastic? Thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic substances derived from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or other related compounds.
Types of Acrylic Polymethyl acrylate – used in lacquer, textile finishes, adhesives and, mixed with clay, to gloss paper. Polymethyl methacrylate (Plexiglas) – which is used to make hard plastics with various light transmitting properties.
Acrylic CNC Machine VersaLaser Engraver / Cutter This machine uses an AutoCAD design. A laser etches or cuts the acrylic sheet based on the created design.
Advantages of Acrylics 1. Stronger more impact resistant than glass 2. Insulates better than glass 3. ½ the weight of glass 4. Can be sawed, cuts easier than glass 5. Glass has a green tint, acrylics are clear 6. Has the ability to be shaped
Disadvantages of Acrylics 1. More expensive than glass 2. Exposed to direct flame it will melt and eventually burn 3. Cracks easily 4. Scratches easily, must be polished to remove scratches 5. Manufacturing plastic is hazardous to workers 6. Not easily recyclable