There were 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions Making a Difference Today for Tomorrow
100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC HKC is a non-profit that guides schools and community programs through a process of developing fun, simple healthy eating and physical activity strategies for kids and their families. HKC has received the prestigious American Dietetic Association Anita Owen Award for Most Innovative Educational Program for the Public and the National Advertising Council CAN (Community Action Network) Award
100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC Schools and communities are increasing opportunities for healthy choices! The Challenge happens across the U.S. -- Everywhere kids live, learn, work, and play Healthy Kids Challenge answers the call to action by helping schools and communities Develop community KidLink teams Provide fun, simple activities that link KidLinks Create a lasting “Picture” of community health Linking Kids—Families—Schools— Healthcare---Community--Media—Business KidLinks – Influential people in the lives of children
THE HKC WAY Linking kids with families,schools, healthcare,community,media,and business The healthy snapshot! Communities with –Healthy eating and activity choices –Increased civic responsibility through collaboration, support, and reward –A shared commitment for change 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
HKC AWE-some messages are the LINK… A-appealing and fun W-welcome and inviting E-easy and simple …everywhere kids and families live, learn, work, and play 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
Fun HKC activities… AWE -some Activities link people and messages for healthy change Walk through the Pyramid Bring MyPyramid to life! Truly step into the pyramid, learn key nutrition concepts at each food group, and build a tasty snack along the way! Watch for FUN characters throughout the pyramid. Ready, Set, Cook, and EAT! Involve area chefs, plus kids and parents from the audience for a team contest to create a healthy entrée in thirty minutes from a “surprise” sack of groceries! A great way to teach quick, healthy meal preparation and share healthy eating ideas with the audience. Kitchen Stars Cooking demonstrations featuring nutritious, delicious, quick, and easy meals and snacks for the on the go family. 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
Develop the Picture with HKC! HKC collaborates… to send a strong, sound message Educational partners include: Centers for Disease Control and Health Promotion Produce for Better Health Foundation American Dietetic Association Institute of Medicine Cooking Light 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
HKC has a strong, dedicated staff committed to making a healthy difference for kids. HKC is directed by Vickie L. James, R.D., L.D., a dietitian with extensive experience leading healthy change initiatives. Vickie has earned national recognition as a motivational speaker. 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
How can HKC reach so many? In the same way we show schools and communities how to make a BIG difference with limited resources … LINKING !
–Phone/ assistance –Our web site: –Toll free number –Monthly/weekly action idea newsletters –Curriculum enhancement materials –KidLink resource guides –A national health resource network –On-site trainings –Conference Presentations –Promotions and special event management 100’s of Schools, 1000’s of Kids…Now There are Millions…HKC
Sponsor schools - Provide HKC materials & professional development workshops Co-brand a message - Let HKC create & deliver co-branded messages to a specified target audience Create a program – Let HKC create a program/event customized for your brand needs Healthy Kids Challenge
Evaluating Evaluating Results 85% of students and faculty say HKC has made a positive impact on the school and should be continued. 60% of parents have made positive changes in health and eating habits as a result of HKC programming. 90% of students say they are eating healthier and more active than at the beginning of the year. 90% of students say they have had more chances to learn about healthy living than ever before. 92% said they had fun doing it. Survey of 900 parents, teachers, administrators, community members, and 1,400 children after HKC guidance
“The Healthy Kids Challenge, with its focus on nutrition, physical activity, and education, extends our mission outside of the cafeteria and the school and into the community…By incorporating nutrition education programs in school, at home, and in the community, we can unite to deliver a powerful message to our young people.” Marilyn Hurt, Past President of the School Nutrition Association “I think this would be a great program for the schools in our district. We have 360 schools here and I would love to get some of them as HKC schools.” Florida Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Education Coordinator “ I read the article in Cooking Light and was happy to see an effort to bring sound information to our nation’s kids concerning healthy eating habits. This past year, I worked with our K-12 schools, approximately 356 school districts from Oregon to Florida. As a chef, what’s the best direction to take? THANKS, keep up the great work. Executive Chef Aramark Culinary Solutions “Vickie James is a dynamic speaker with creativity plus. Her presentations and programs are filled with great activities and creative ideas for children, educators, and families. She makes learning about nutrition and physical activity fun.” Cheri White, RD, Nutrition Education Consultant, New Hampshire Department of Education Look Who’s Talking
W h y is HKC work so i m p o r t a n t? One Young Participant One Young Participant said it all: “So I can be as Healthy Happy “So I can be as Healthy and Happy As I am Right Now.” Let’s Make It Happen.