Workgroup Updates Focus for 2007 Defining the important questions Outlining a five-year strategy (and budget) Outline for today Update on 2007 activities Present specific questions Proposed 2008 activities
Workgroup Updates Exposure and Effects RMP Objective #4 Measure pollution exposure and effects on selected parts of the Estuary ecosystem (including humans) Measuring potential impact to: Humans Birds Benthos Fish Food webs
Exposure and Effects Risks to Birds - Hg
USGS Avian Studies 2007 Hg in eggs Extra High Egg [THg] (µg/g dw) Random Failed to Hatch Abandoned Moderate High Risk Factor Egg Fate Forsters Terns (P<0.05)
USGS Avian Studies 2007 Chick Survival
1. Egg drilling 2. Albumin microsampling 3. Egg sealing 4. Egg replacement and monitoring USGS Avian Studies 2007 Measuring egg albumin
Exposure and Effects Birds
Specific questions for next five years: 1.Is there clear evidence of pollutant effects on survival, reproduction, or growth of individual birds? 2.Are pollutants in the Bay adversely affecting bird populations? 3.Do spatial patterns in accumulation indicate particular regions of concern?
Exposure and Effects Birds Five-year plan: Q1 & Q2 (contaminant effects) addressed through USGS studies 2008: Funding a study of Hg/Se effects on reproductive success, egg hatchability, and chick survival Q3 (Spatial patterns) Are pollutants in the Bay adversely affecting bird populations? 2008: S&T triennial bird egg monitoring
Exposure and Effects Benthos Observe sediment toxicity Cause is not well understood 2007 Causes of toxicity study: 4 sites (Pt Pinole, Mission Creek, San Leandro Bay, and Oakland Inner Harbor) Sediment tox. tests – TIEs on toxic sites (survival < 50%) Will continue in 2008 (carryover)
Exposure and Effects Benthos Specific questions next five years: 1.What are the spatial and temporal impacts of sediment contamination on benthic biota 2.Which pollutants are responsible for observed impacts on benthic biota? 3.Are the toxicity tests, benthic community assessment approaches and the overall SQO framework we are using reliable indicators of impacts on benthic biota?
Exposure and Effects Benthos Plan for next five years: Q1 (spatial/temporal trends) addressed thru by incorporating benthos into S&T Begin 2008 Q2 (pollutants causing impacts) addressed thru causes of sed. tox. Biennial – 2009, 2011, Q3 (understanding sed. assessments) addressed thru data integration. Coordinate workshops in 2008
Exposure and Effects Fish 2007: Update on CSU-LB studies Looking at endocrine disruption: Thyroid hormones Stress hormones Impairment of growth & increase in parasites Correlating to contaminants (PCBs, PAHs, pesticides)
San Pablo Bay Berkeley Waterfront Redwood City Oakland Inner Harbor Tomales Bay (8)(13)(17)(12)(5) Plasma Thyroxine (T4) Concentration, ng/ml Pacific Staghorn Sculpin Thryoxine (T4) Levels in Pacific Staghorn Sculpin
Redwood City Oakland Inner Harbor Berkeley Waterfront San Pablo Bay Pacific Staghorn Sculpin Plasma Cortisol Concentration (ng/ml) a a b c Stress Response
Exposure and Effects Fish Specific questions next five years: 1.Are pollutants, individually or in combination, reducing the reproductive ability, growth and health of sensitive fish populations? 2.What are appropriate thresholds of concern for contaminant concentrations for Bay species? 3.What are cost-effective indicators for monitoring effects of contaminants on fish populations?
Exposure and Effects Fish Five-year plan: Q1(effect of pollutants) & Q2 (appropriate thresholds) addressed thru 2008/2009 NOAA study of PAH effects on early life stages Q1 & Q3 (indicators) addressed thru S&T triennial sportfish monitoring PS/SS EDC study
Workgroup Updates Emerging Contaminants RMP Objective #1 Describe spatial patterns and long-term trends of pollutant concentrations in the Estuary Focus to date has been identifying a strategy for ECs
Workgroup Updates Emerging Contaminants Strategy Target chemicals: widely used, bioaccumulative, persistent, toxic, methods available, concern for Bay, and panel recommendation High priority: Alternatives to PBDEs Perfluorinated
Pilot Study of Apex Predators Collaborating with Marine Mammal Center –Chemical analysis of 21 harbor seals –Part of larger study
PFOS in SF Bay Seals and Elsewhere
Workgroup Updates Emerging Contaminants 2008 Study examining alternatives to PBDEs Continuation of PFOS in harbor seals Budget $75,000/yr