1 Guadalupe Small Tributaries Loads Study WYs (PCBs and PBDEs) John Oram and Lester McKee Sources Pathways and Loadings Workgroup November 13 th 2006 San Francisco Estuary Institute Item #2
2 History 2000 – 2002: Study design and location developed and recommended by the Sources Pathways and Loadings Workgroup (SPLWG) of the Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances (RMP) WY 2003:CEP ($150k) WY 2004:RMP and CEP ($50k+75k) WY 2005:RMP, USACE/SCVWD, SCVURPPP ($50k + $100k + $23k) WY 2006: RMP, USACE/SCVWD ($50k + $78k) San Francisco Estuary Institute Item #2
3 Location Map San Francisco Estuary Institute
4 Location Item #2
5 Location
6 Highest weve observed Item #2
7 Sampling
8 Sampling
9 Sampling
10 WY 2006 Field Team 51% Samples collected outside of work time Lester McKee Lester McKee Jennifer Hunt Jennifer Hunt Sarah Pearce Sarah Pearce Nicole David Nicole David Seth Shonkoff Seth Shonkoff Ben Greenfield Ben Greenfield Jon Leatherbarrow Jon Leatherbarrow John Oram John Oram Rainer Hoenicke Rainer Hoenicke Amy Franz Amy Franz Carry Austin Carry Austin Paul Amato Paul Amato Item #2 San Francisco Estuary Institute
11 Turbidity Item #2
12 Turbidity-SSC Regression San Francisco Estuary Institute Item #2
13 Suspended Sediment Concentration San Francisco Estuary Institute Item #2
14 Water and Suspended Sediment San Francisco Estuary Institute 111% 97% 133% 223% Historic variation = 5 – 434% Item #2
15 Flood Return Interval Item #2