Confirmation Chapter 7 Lesson 3
What do we receive in Confirmation? The outpouring of the Holy Spirit and his gifts that were given to us at baptism. Membership in the Church. Power to use these gifts for the building up of the Church.
What is the connection between the three sacraments of initiation? Confirmation completes what is begun in Baptism and strengthened in the Eucharist. Baptism is like birth, Confirmation is like maturation. Our parents profess our faith for us as infants, we profess it every time we receive Communion. We publicly profess our faith for ourselves at Confirmation. Our parents give us a baptismal name and we take a confirmation name.
Confirmation Matter: laying of the hands and anointing with chrism Form: “To be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Minister: bishop (although he may delegate a priest)
Holy Oils These oils are usually blessed by the bishop at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday. Oil of Catachumens: olive or vegetable oil; used at Baptism; also poured with chrism into the baptismal waters when they are blessed at the Easter Vigil. Sacred Chrism: olive or vegetable oil mixed with balm; used for Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination of priests and bishops, and for the dedication of churches and altars. Oil of the Sick: olive or vegetable oil; used for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Effects of Confirmation Unites us more closely with Christ Increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit Perfects our bond with the Church Gives us strength to spread and defend the faith Imprints indelible mark on the soul
Confirmandi take a Confirmation Name It reflects the individual’s choice of a saintly patron. May choose a saint of either gender, or may qualify a name, e.g., Joseph – Josephine In taking the name of a saint, one claims the patronage of this saint, beseeching his intercession, and choosing to follow his example of holiness.