NASA Technical Standards Working Group Presentation to White Sands Test Facility Dr. George Alcorn Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC
October 15, Proposals Evaluated By GSFC JPL Handbook for Spacecraft Structural Dynamics Testing JPL Specifications for Composite Materials JPL A Materials Specification for EA9360 and EA9361 Adhesives JPL A Shelf Life Control Specification JPL Updating of NASA-STD-7002 “Payload Test Requirements” JPL Improved Spacecraft Charging Handbook JPL Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Materials Using Ultrasonic JPL Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites Using Radiography
October 15, Proposals Evaluated By GSFC JPL Design Methodology for Space Inflatable/Rigidizable Structures JPL Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Materials JPL Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Materials Using Ultrasonic JPL Nondestructive of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites Using Radiography JPL Design Methodology Handbook for Space Inflatable/Ridigizable Structures (Resubmit of JPL based on comments from Richard Foss of LaRC) JSC Revision of NASA-STD-3000, “Man-Systems Integration Standards” (MSIS)
October 15, Proposals Evaluated By GSFC JSC Definition of Standards for MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) MSFC NASA Standard for Charged Particle Radiation Testing of Materials to emulate Space Environment Exposure MSFC Metallic Material Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) Steering Group MSFC AWS D17.1:2001 “Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications MSFC AWS D17.3:2001 “Friction Stir Welding MSFC MSFC-SPEC-766 “Fusion Welding Titanium and Titanium Alloys” MSFC MFSC-SPEC-560A “Fusion Welding of Steels, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys”
October 15, MFSC MFSC-SPEC-504C “Welding, Aluminum Alloys” MFSC Composite Materials Handbook (Military Handbook 17) MFSC Structural Requirement Criteria for Rocket Engines MFSC Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Implementation Handbook for Fracture Control Programs MFSC High Energy Corona Discharge Design Handbook MFSC LEO Spacecraft Charging Design Handbook MFSC Flammability, Odor, Offgassing, and Compatibility Requirements and Test Procedures for Materials In Environments that Support Combustion MSFC NASA Configuration Management (CM) Standard Proposals Evaluated By GSFC
October 15, The ISO 9000 process at GSFC is based on two types of documents. PG’S are executed inside the directorate primarily at the Branch level. -GPG --Goddard Procedures and Guidelines (higher level document) - PG --Procedures and Guidelines (lower level document) The PG's for code 500 (AETD) are used as documents which define our Quality process. Method for Improving Implementation of ISO 9000 Through Technical Standards Standards Activities
October 15, The PG’s listed are required to be updated every 4 to 5 years. The standards are constantly being updated. The standards were registered in SUNS and all updates will be sent to the PG owners as the updates are available. A look at the impact of the new tech standard was performed. The first pass was by George Alcorn. If it was believed that improvement in the PG’s (improving reliability, cost, operational performance ect), without over riding the negatives could be obtained, then work to change the PG’s with the assistance of PG owners was performed. The improvement (update) of technical standards when incorporated in PG’s can yield procedural and process improvements. Standards Activities
October 15, Standards Activities Status of GPS Testing Standard The ITAR review is continuing. Further review by other NASA centers and GSFC GPS experts continue. The next release will be early October. There will be no future funding required.
October 15, Reviewed Documents With Comments Since January 2003 ISO Documents ISO/WD Space systems - Unmanned Spacecraft operational procedures Documentation ISO/CD Space Systems - Space Solar Cells – Electron and portion irradiation test methods ISO/CD (E) - Space Systems - Safety requirements - Part 3: Flight Safety System ISO/DIS Unmanned Spacecraft Design, performance and quality assessment - General test methods for system, subsystem and unit level ISO/CD Space Systems - Mass Properties Control
October 15, Reviewed Documents With Comments Since January 2003 Action Item NASA-STD-P036, NASA Fastener Integrity (Draft 1) Finished review of our Acquisition Standards
October 15, Standards Review Board Review of Standards for the month of October ISO/FDIS Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Structures - Design and Operation ISO/CD Space System - Structural Design - Stress Analysis Requirements ISO/FDIS Space Systems - Space Experiments – General Requirements ISO/CD Space Systems - Ground Support Equipment For Use at Launch, Landing, or Retrieval Sites - General Requirements Ballot ISO/CD DAM Space Systems - Flight-to-ground umbilical - Amendment 1: Add Annex A: Prevention of accidental cross – connection ISO/FDIS (E) Space Systems - Unmanned Spacecraft Transportation - General Requirements