Ready for Success
Grading policies Homework completion is critical and a key component of overall grades in many classes Homework completion is critical and a key component of overall grades in many classes Each teacher has different policies. Be sure to read the syllabus carefully at the beginning of each course. Each teacher has different policies. Be sure to read the syllabus carefully at the beginning of each course. Teachers update the Student/Parent VUE at different times Teachers update the Student/Parent VUE at different times Overall grade computation varies from teacher to teacher and may or may not be cumulative Overall grade computation varies from teacher to teacher and may or may not be cumulative
Homework and studying Most students will have some homework each and every day in core courses Most students will have some homework each and every day in core courses Early on, it is important to establish routines with respect to homework completion Early on, it is important to establish routines with respect to homework completion Quality is often more important than quantity when it comes to studying for exams Quality is often more important than quantity when it comes to studying for exams Successful students ask questions and seek extra help directly from their teachers outside of class Successful students ask questions and seek extra help directly from their teachers outside of class
Communication regarding grades and academic progress Progress reports, quarterly reports, and the Student/Parent VUE are our primary means of communication Progress reports, quarterly reports, and the Student/Parent VUE are our primary means of communication If you have concerns, we encourage you to contact teachers directly as soon as possible If you have concerns, we encourage you to contact teachers directly as soon as possible Especially for teachers who travel, is the preferred method of communication Especially for teachers who travel, is the preferred method of communication
For students with IEPs The majority of Dobson classes are inclusion classes. The majority of Dobson classes are inclusion classes.
English English is required every year to graduate for four total credits of English. Reading and writing skills are crucial for success on AIMS and other standardized tests including the SAT or ACT. English is required every year to graduate for four total credits of English. Reading and writing skills are crucial for success on AIMS and other standardized tests including the SAT or ACT. Seniors will have more flexibility in so far as choosing English courses. Not all English courses meet competency requirements at Arizona Universities. Seniors will have more flexibility in so far as choosing English courses. Not all English courses meet competency requirements at Arizona Universities. Students will learn Students will learn The writing process The writing process Writing components Writing components Writing applications Writing applications Reading process Reading process Comprehending literary text Comprehending literary text Comprehending informational text Comprehending informational text
Math Math is required every year to graduate for four total credits of Math. Math skills are crucial for success on AIMS and other standardized tests including the SAT or ACT. Math is required every year to graduate for four total credits of Math. Math skills are crucial for success on AIMS and other standardized tests including the SAT or ACT. Higher level math skills are critical to success in community college and university. Higher level math skills are critical to success in community college and university. Daily practice, in class and on homework assignments is imperative. Daily practice, in class and on homework assignments is imperative. Students will learn Students will learn Number and operations Number and operations Data analysis, probability, and discrete math Data analysis, probability, and discrete math Patterns, algebra and functions Patterns, algebra and functions Geometry and measurement Geometry and measurement Structure and logic Structure and logic
Social studies Three years of social studies are required to graduate. Required social studies courses are taken during freshmen, junior, and senior years. Three years of social studies are required to graduate. Required social studies courses are taken during freshmen, junior, and senior years. Several social studies electives are available and several advanced/accelerated social studies courses are available. Several social studies electives are available and several advanced/accelerated social studies courses are available. Reading and writing skills are utilized in examining sources of information and historical fact as well as discussion and work in groups. Reading and writing skills are utilized in examining sources of information and historical fact as well as discussion and work in groups.
Physical Education (PE) One full credit of physical education is required to graduate. Several different PE options are available to students. One full credit of physical education is required to graduate. Several different PE options are available to students. Dressing out and participating are required to pass PE courses. Dressing out and participating are required to pass PE courses. Students may choose from a variety of PE classes such as: Recreational Basketball, Aerobics, Weight Lifting, Stretch and Strength, Team Sports, Hip Hop, and Dance! Students may choose from a variety of PE classes such as: Recreational Basketball, Aerobics, Weight Lifting, Stretch and Strength, Team Sports, Hip Hop, and Dance!
Science All students are required to take Biology as either freshmen (advanced) or sophomores and to take the AIMS Science exam. All students are required to take Biology as either freshmen (advanced) or sophomores and to take the AIMS Science exam. AIMS Science is currently not a requirement of graduation. AIMS Science is currently not a requirement of graduation. Three total credits are required to graduate and several options exist (e.g., Physics, Ecology of Marine Ecosystems, Human Anatomy and Physiology). Three total credits are required to graduate and several options exist (e.g., Physics, Ecology of Marine Ecosystems, Human Anatomy and Physiology). Some courses do not meet the requirements for the scholastic diploma and some courses require higher levels of math skills. Some courses do not meet the requirements for the scholastic diploma and some courses require higher levels of math skills. Science students will design and conduct experiments in a laboratory setting in all classes. Science students will design and conduct experiments in a laboratory setting in all classes.
Advanced/Accelerated Courses Certain courses are designed to exceed the expectations of regular grade-level objectives for a specific subject. AA (Able and Ambitious), Advanced Placement (AP), and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are all available at Dobson High School. Certain courses are designed to exceed the expectations of regular grade-level objectives for a specific subject. AA (Able and Ambitious), Advanced Placement (AP), and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are all available at Dobson High School. AA (Able and Ambitious), Advanced Placement (AP), and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are all available at Dobson High SchoolAA (Able and Ambitious), Advanced Placement (AP), and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are all available at Dobson High School At Dobson we offer students the opportunity to take advantage of either some or all of our advanced/accelerated courses through our Advanced/Accelerated Program. At Dobson we offer students the opportunity to take advantage of either some or all of our advanced/accelerated courses through our Advanced/Accelerated Program.
Should I take advanced/accelerated courses? Motivated and academically prepared students should take multiple advanced/accelerated courses to earn college credits while in high school (Dobson Early College Experience) Motivated and academically prepared students should take multiple advanced/accelerated courses to earn college credits while in high school (Dobson Early College Experience) Students who are interested in and/or have skills in particular subject areas should consider taking a few advanced/accelerated courses (Dobson College Ready) Students who are interested in and/or have skills in particular subject areas should consider taking a few advanced/accelerated courses (Dobson College Ready) It is important that you know three things It is important that you know three things Advanced/accelerated courses are exciting courses taught by dedicated teachers. They will reinforce the skills and attitudes necessary to be successful in college. Advanced/accelerated courses are exciting courses taught by dedicated teachers. They will reinforce the skills and attitudes necessary to be successful in college. Advanced/accelerated courses exceed the expectations of regular classes. Advanced/accelerated courses are tough. Advanced/accelerated courses exceed the expectations of regular classes. Advanced/accelerated courses are tough. Students who register for advanced/accelerated courses are expected to stay in those courses for the duration of the school year. Students who register for advanced/accelerated courses are expected to stay in those courses for the duration of the school year.