1 1 S ession 3 How to Effectively Implement Learning Objectives
2 What are the critical puzzle pieces that ensure student learning?
3 LESSON ALIGNMENT Learning Objective PLANNING Task Analysis Principles of Learning INSTRUCTION Assessment
4 Review of Learning Objectives What do you remember about learning objectives?
5 3 Parts to a Learning Objective Topic Level of Thinking Do/Assessment
6 what to FOCUS on! Students need to know…
7 Students need ways to… CONNECT information.
8 Learning objectives… help students piece together information in a meaningful way!
9 Students need help… to INTERPRET information.
10 Research Findings: When teachers used learning objectives, this produced a 23 percentile gain overall.
11 Use of Learning Objectives How have you used them in your classroom? What impact did you see?
12 SESSION #3: Learning Objective Topic: effective use of learning objectives Do: Recommend modifications to make a presentation of a learning objective more effective. Level of Thinking: evaluating
13 Checklist Rationale: What makes each effective? #1 Specifically stated – creates a specific, clear focus #2 Student friendly terms – students can easily understand the learning objective #3 All 3 parts are aligned – ensures the correct content is taught at the correct level #4 Presented before instruction – focuses students on the topic before teaching #5 Presented orally & visually – accommodates different learning styles #6 Visible throughout lesson – refocus instruction / learning as needed #7 Referred to throughout lesson - maintains focus throughout lesson #8 All students assessed by end of lesson – ensures learning occurred for all #9 Instruction & assessment match LO – ensures that planned LO was taught
14 Video #1 Topic: fact and opinion Do: Identify all facts and opinions in a passage Level of Thinking: understanding P.O. - Distinguish fact from opinion in expository text providing supporting evidence from the text.
Video #1
18 Video 1 Reflection Specifically stated Student friendly terms All 3 parts are aligned Presented before instruction Presented orally & visually Visible throughout lesson Referred to throughout lesson All students assessed by end of lesson Instruction & assessment match LO Examples how the LO was communicated:
19 Video #2 PO. – Add whole numbers to 2 digits with regrouping Topic: addition of 2 digit whole numbers with regrouping Do: Solve 3 two digit addition problems with regrouping without using manipulatives. Level of Thinking: applying
Video #2
23 Video #3 P.O. Simplify and evaluate polynomials, rational expressions containing absolute value and radicals. Topic: S3C3 PO 8 - Algebra Do: all of page 132, #1 – 20 Level of Thinking: applying
Video # 3
27 SESSION 3: Learning Objective Topic: effective use of learning objectives Do: Recommend modifications to make a presentation of a learning objective more effective. Level of Thinking: evaluating
28 Video #4A P.O. – Punctuate endings of sentences using: periods, question marks, exclamation marks. Topic: ending punctuation Do:Write 3 sentences using correct ending punctuation. Level of Thinking: applying
V i d e o # 4 A
32 Individual Assessment Write recommendations to make the presentation of the learning objective in Video 4A more effective.
33 Video #4B P.O. – Punctuate endings of sentences using: periods, question marks, exclamation marks. Topic: ending punctuation Do:Write 3 sentences using correct ending punctuation. Level of Thinking: applying
V i d eo # 4 B
37 Self-Reflection Use the checklist to evaluate your use of Learning Objectives Make personal recommendations to make your use of Learning Objectives more effective
38 Now you know how to help each student… to focus and facilitate their learning! grab onto your learning objectives…