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Engagement Students who are engaged in school are more likely to be successful academically and socially Students who are engaged in school are more likely to be successful academically and socially Engagement includes regular attendance, involvement in class-related and extracurricular activities, and feeling a sense of belonging to your school Engagement includes regular attendance, involvement in class-related and extracurricular activities, and feeling a sense of belonging to your school
Attendance Satisfactory attendance at school is essential to learning, and regular attendance is a key to academic success. Satisfactory attendance at school is the responsibility of the student and his or her family. Satisfactory attendance at school is essential to learning, and regular attendance is a key to academic success. Satisfactory attendance at school is the responsibility of the student and his or her family. A student must attend at least 90 percent of class sessions to earn credit. Failure to meet this standard may lead to withholding of credit. A student must attend at least 90 percent of class sessions to earn credit. Failure to meet this standard may lead to withholding of credit. Cases involving prolonged illness or unusual circumstances will be reviewed by the school administration. Cases involving prolonged illness or unusual circumstances will be reviewed by the school administration. Each unexcused absence will result in teacher and/or administrative action. Each unexcused absence will result in teacher and/or administrative action. Excessive tardies will result in administrative action. Excessive tardies will result in administrative action.
Athletics Interscholastic sports programs are for students with a higher skill level and a greater desire for competitive activity. Interscholastic sports programs are for students with a higher skill level and a greater desire for competitive activity. In order for a student to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, the student-athlete must have the following on file with the athletic office at their school: Physical form, health history, emergency card, Statement of Awareness In order for a student to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, the student-athlete must have the following on file with the athletic office at their school: Physical form, health history, emergency card, Statement of Awareness To be athletically eligible students must pass all classes (minimum of 5) at the end of each grading period To be athletically eligible students must pass all classes (minimum of 5) at the end of each grading period
Clubs and activities Dobson High School has over 50 chartered clubs. Dobson High School has over 50 chartered clubs. Clubs are sometimes attached to athletic teams or extracurricular activities. Other clubs are just for fun or a special interest. Clubs are sometimes attached to athletic teams or extracurricular activities. Other clubs are just for fun or a special interest. All clubs have a staff sponsor and club charter. All clubs have a staff sponsor and club charter. Involvement in clubs and activities is a great way to get to know other students, to stay connected to the school, and give yourself an advantage when it comes to applying for jobs and/or scholarships. Involvement in clubs and activities is a great way to get to know other students, to stay connected to the school, and give yourself an advantage when it comes to applying for jobs and/or scholarships.
Performing arts and activites Some performing arts are classes, some are after school, some are both. Some require teacher permission or audition and some do not. Some performing arts are classes, some are after school, some are both. Some require teacher permission or audition and some do not. Examples – Band, Chorus, Debate, Yearbook, Newslab, Dance, ACADECA Examples – Band, Chorus, Debate, Yearbook, Newslab, Dance, ACADECA Classes Classes A Hour A Hour
Service Learning Students will be eligible for the Honor for Excellence in Service Learning upon completion of 150 hours of approved service learning throughout their four years of high school. Students will be eligible for the Honor for Excellence in Service Learning upon completion of 150 hours of approved service learning throughout their four years of high school. Students may earn hours from a combination of curriculum-based service learning and extracurricular service sponsored by school clubs or community organizations. Students may earn hours from a combination of curriculum-based service learning and extracurricular service sponsored by school clubs or community organizations. Service learning is a critical component of most scholarship opportunities Service learning is a critical component of most scholarship opportunities
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dobson CTE Fair – February 9, 2011 Dobson CTE Fair – February 9, 2011 Examples of CTE program areas at Dobson Examples of CTE program areas at Dobson Agriculture Business Management Agriscience Agriculture Business Management Agriscience Allied Health Services/Sports Medicine Allied Health Services/Sports Medicine Audio/Visual Technologies Audio/Visual Technologies Culinary Arts Culinary Arts Design and Merchandising Design and Merchandising Information Technologies - Computer Maintenance Information Technologies - Computer Maintenance Information Technologies - Software Development Information Technologies - Software Development Information Technologies - Web Page Development Information Technologies - Web Page Development Drafting and Design Technologies Drafting and Design Technologies Education Professions Education Professions Financial Services Financial Services Graphic Communications Graphic Communications Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship Transportation Technologies/Automotive Transportation Technologies/Automotive Welding Technologies Welding Technologies Many CTE courses are tied to extracurricular activities and internships Many CTE courses are tied to extracurricular activities and internships East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) Following a sequence of courses in a high interest area is ideal Following a sequence of courses in a high interest area is ideal
Fine Arts Promote visual awareness and develop occupational potential and creative use of leisure time Promote visual awareness and develop occupational potential and creative use of leisure time Necessary for scholastic diploma and meeting college entrance requirements with no deficiencies Necessary for scholastic diploma and meeting college entrance requirements with no deficiencies Examples – Photography, Ceramics, Drawing, Dance Examples – Photography, Ceramics, Drawing, Dance