Education and Public outreach Robert Hill Director Northern Ireland Space Office …the road to curriculum integration
Summer 2006 Armagh Planetarium re-opens
New digital theatre and exhibition areas
Outreach Serviced over 100,000 people in the past 7 years, mostly 30 at a time in the portable Stardome. UCC Access project, Cork 2006
Nigeria: UNESCO Space Education Program
Astronaut visits Celebrating other cultures Developing new networks
Pupil/teacher-research workshops at Schools and events
ESA Hubble University of Limerick. National Science Week 2006
European Hands-On Universe
Questions to ask Am I/Are we making an impact in the region? Who is aware of the work undertaken? Does my/our work relate to the visions, missions or agendas of others? Have I/we evidence of the impact? Can I/we influence regional actors? Can I/we sustain the work?
October 2006
Northern Ireland revised curriculum New curriculum for yrs in N Ireland Astronomy and Space science thematic units Interactive astronomy and space-related elements available through eLearning environment and Classroom 2000 (C2K/HP) ICT used as a tool for learning Key Stage 3
Objectives Core STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) elements. However, approach brings together subjects under one umbrella. eg Science//Maths/Drama/Art Utilising astronomy and space-related resources as tools to develop key skills
NISO Objectives Create new Thematic units for curriculum Work with Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) and Dept of Education, realising meaningful resources in new curriculum Engage Curriculum Advisory Support Services (CASS) officers in all subject areas Present astronomy and space-related workshops to PGCE students/practicing teachers and promote Astronomy and space science resources
Pilot projects with CCEA and students Develop BA CREST award accreditation through astronomy and space education mentoring Encourage pupils to present projects annually at major conferences or as a whole school project. eg Seagate Young Innovators exhibition, Belfast World Space Week National Science Week in school Objectives cont.
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