Ironwood Remote Observatory (IRO) Kenneth Archer July 2007 Ironwood Observatories
Outline Problems in sector Implementation Prototype photos Ironwood Observatories
Issues in sector 1. Sub-standard functionality of observatories Partial compatibility of individual parts (telescope, camera, mount, filter wheel, focuser etc.) Individuals attempt to develop system (lack sufficient skills, first time developing such a system) Time/money wasted, non functional Lack of available standardized parts No end-user support and service offered to purchasers of current observatories Ironwood Observatories
Current observatories…. 2. Automated?? Still require on-site human assistance (dust cover etc.) sleepless nights, long journeys to observatory location Are unable to efficiently handle changing climate conditions (rain, wind etc.) leads to damaged equipment Issues in sector Ironwood Observatories
3. Remote ability Limited ideal observing sites (Clear skies, secure) Institutions locate observatories on inadequate grounds (poor visibility) Greatly reduces observatory usage (money and learning time wasted, poor use of resources) Observatories could be located on ideal sites with remote capabilities more observing time, more efficient use of time (living room operation, saves travel), quality results Issues in sector Ironwood Observatories
4. Personnel skills Lack of teacher technical training Limits student learning Technology too complicated / Time consuming Issues in sector Ironwood Observatories
Issues in sector 5. Other Issues Traditional fixed-site observatories cannot adapt to changing viewing conditions (e.g. increasing light pollution) What happens to observatories that have become inoperative? They sit unused and deteriorate at the site they were built. Traditional fixed-site observatories can be difficult to upgrade in a cost effective manner. The reliability statistics for existing observatories are abysmal; a majority remain partially functional, if not inoperative, for one reason or another. Ironwood Observatories
Large quantity of non-functional or partially functional observatories lack of standard not truly automated Remote ability not utilized (telescope sharing, ideal locations) lack of teacher training technology too complicated The astronomical community requires a standardized, automated, remote, functional, easy-to-use observatory system. Summary of Issues Ironwood Observatories
Ironwood observatories will be a Hawaii-based company Produce fully automated internet observatories that are: reliable, remote, standardized, automated and easily deployed Provide educational packages and training programs Time/money saved Long term support and training Reliable Implementation Ironwood Observatories Results =
Power A system of solar panels, batteries and low power electronics has been devised Internet A satellite link system and other broadband options is currently being researched and developed for remote applications Weather system ( when needed ) An intelligent weather system comprising of various detectors has been devised protecting from the elements Prototype Ironwood Observatories
Prototype IRO in Transport Mode
Prototype Ironwood Observatories Various Interior Views
Prototype Ironwood Observatories IRO Fully Deployed
Prototype Ironwood Observatories IRO Various Views
End Thank You Ironwood Observatories