The Hero's Journey An Archetypal Story
Archetype: A pattern, such as a type of character or type of story, that is repeated in literature.
The hero’s journey is one of the oldest story archetypes on the planet.
Some say it’s older than the Pyramids…
And Stonehenge…
And even cave drawings. (Vogler)
The components of the hero’s journey were identified and developed by Joseph Campbell, who was the world’s foremost authority on mythology.
In his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell asserted that all storytelling follows the ancient patterns of myth, and …
…that all stories use elements of the Hero’s Journey …that all stories use elements of the Hero’s Journey. Campbell called this archetype a Monomyth.
George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, consulted with Campbell while writing the scripts for the first Star Wars trilogy.
The function of the story is to entertain, to instruct, and to inspire. The hero’s journey is a metaphor for life itself.
Part I: Departure
A. The Call to Adventure The hero is compelled to leave a mundane life and seek adventure or begin a quest for something specific.
B. The Refusal of the Call The hero has second thoughts; adventure looks too risky or hero feels inadequate.
Dorothy runs back to the farm and Auntie Em. A storm is brewing.
Not exactly what I signed up for…
C. Acceptance of the Call The hero finally accedes, realizing that there is nobody else who is better qualified to or available to accept responsibility.
D. Supernatural Aid A guide or magical helper appears or becomes known. He may provide an object with “magical” abilities.
The ruby slippers
Magic Wand
Mockingjay Pin
E. Crossing the First Threshold The hero leaves the old world behind and enters the new.
F. The Belly of the Whale Like Jonah and Pinocchio, the hero experiences the “dark night of the soul” and must face his faults and the truth about his own flaws.
For some, the belly of the whale experience is a situation in which the hero enters a physical zone of danger.
Katniss prepares to enter the arena.
Luke approaches the Deathstar.
The message is that we all have a shadow self and must deal with it at some point in our lives.
Part II Initiation
During the “Initiation” phase, the hero learns how to live in the new world.
A. The Road of Trials The hero learns that life in the world of adventure can be difficult.
B. Meeting with the Goddess All-powerful, all encompassing, unconditional love.
C. Woman as Temptress Someone or something tries to distract the hero from his goal. Circe the witch tries to keep Odysseus on her island.
Shrek’s way of life. The Mirror of Erised
D. Atonement with the Father The hero may come up against a 'father figure' who must be beaten, persuaded, or whose approval must be achieved in some way. Ultimately, by whatever means, the difficult relationship between the two must be reconciled.
(from Greek roots meaning “from God”) E. Apotheosis (from Greek roots meaning “from God”) The hero recognizes his/her true identity - that spark of divinity within – divine knowledge, love, compassion, and bliss.
But you’ve always had the power to go home!
The Chosen One
“I keep wishing I could think of a way to…to show the Capitol they don’t own me.”
F. The Ultimate Boon The hero succeeds in his/her mission. Dorothy returns to Emerald City with the witch’s broom.
Katniss and Peeta survive and both become victors.
Simba restores peace to Pride Rock.
Part III. The Return
A. Refusal of Return The hero wonders if it’s possible to return to the old life. “How can I go back?”
How can I leave my new best friends?
Will things still be the same?
B. Magic Flight Upon deciding to return home, the hero must “flee” from yet another danger. (Here, “flight” refers to fleeing, not flying, though sometimes flying is involved.)
There’s no place like home.
C. Rescue from Without The hero escapes with a little outside help.
D. Crossing the Return Threshold Finally, the hero returns to “Kansas.”
…or District 12…
… or the Shire
The hero realizes that he can be at home in two worlds. E. Mastery of Two Worlds The hero realizes that he can be at home in two worlds.
F. Freedom to Live Having faced evil - both from within and without - the hero is free from powerlessness and fear.
“A hero is someone who reaches the edge of death, steals a piece of magic, then brings the magic home to share with his community.” (Brennan)
Character Archetypes Significant character roles/archetypes are found in every hero’s journey. Sometimes a character can fill more than one role. Sometimes certain roles won’t be included in every story.
Hero The hero must learn in order to grow. Often the heart of a story is not the obstacles he faces, but the new wisdom he acquires, from a mentor, a lover, or even from the villain. Heroes can be willing and adventurous, or reluctant. The essence of the hero is the sacrifice he makes to achieve his goal.
Herald The role of the herald is to announce the challenge which begins the hero on his story journey. The herald need not be a person. It can be an event or force: the start of a war, a drought or famine, or even an ad in a newspaper
Mentor The mentor is a character who aids or trains the hero. The mentor represents the wiser and more godlike qualities within us. The other major role of the mentor is to equip the hero by giving him a gift or gifts which are important in his quest. The hero doesn't always appreciate the mentor’s assistance.
Threshold Guardians The role of the threshold guardian is to test the hero's mettle and worthiness to begin the story's journey, and to show that the journey will not be easy. The hero will encounter the guardian early in the story, usually right after he starts his quest. NOT the story's antagonist (could be their henchman or employee).
Trickster The Trickster is a clown, a mischief maker. He provides the comic relief. The trickster can be an ally or companion of the hero, or may work for the villain. In some instances the trickster may even be the hero or villain.
Shape-Shifter The shapeshifter changes role or personality, often in significant ways. His alliances and loyalty are uncertain and the questionable. This keeps the hero off guard. Their role is to bring suspense into a story by forcing the reader (and hero) to question beliefs and assumptions.
Shadow The shadow is the worthy opponent with whom the hero must struggle. In a conflict between hero and villain, the fight is to the end; one or the other must be destroyed. The shadow frequently sees himself as a hero, and the story's hero as his villain. He represents things we don't like and would like to eliminate.
the world a better place. We are all heroes on our separate journeys and our mission is to make the world a better place.
References Brennan, Kristen. “Star Wars Origins.” 1999-2001. Jitterbug Fantasia. < orgins/myth.html> 20 Sept. 2002. Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. New York: Mythos Books, 1949. Vogler, Christopher. “The Writer’s Journey.” 2002. Michael Weiss Productions. < /pages/bookswritourmore.html> 20 Sept. 2002.
“Follow your bliss.” - Joseph Campbell