Español I WL 21
Course Outline Spanish I: Introduces students to the basic vocabulary of the language and components of the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken. Prepares students to begin to read, write, speak and understand the language.
Topics Covered Para Empezar: Basic Spanish Background Mis amigos y yo: Likes and dislikes and describing oneself La escuela: Subjects, the school day, and the classroom La comida: Foods, beverages, breakfast, lunch, dinner and health Tiempo Libre: Community, leisure activities, and sports Mi familia: family members, celebrations, ages, and restaurant En casa: Rooms in the house, household objects and chores.
Teacher Contact Info Ms. Nadine VanDeraa phone Webpage
Curriculum Standards for World Languages Curriculum Standard 1.Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken communication on a variety of topics in the target language. 2.Students engage in oral and written exchanges which include providing and receiving information, expressing feelings and preferences, and expressing ideas and opinions in the target language. 3.Students present information and ideas in the target language on a variety of topics to listeners and readers. Activity for application of the standard 1 Reading comprehension and Audio activities 2 Conversation activities, oral questioning and letter writing 3 The Me Gusta Project The curriculum and standards for world languages in Mesa Public Schools are aligned with state and national standards.
Curriculum Standards for World Languages Curriculum Standard 4. Culture: Students show "what to do when" and "what to say while doing it" in the culture and use this knowledge to interact appropriately. They understand the relationships between cultural perspectives, products and practices within cultures. 5. Connections: Students use the target language and authentic sources to reinforce and/or learn other content from the other subject areas. 6. Communities: Students use the target language within and beyond the school setting. Activity for application of the standard 4 Spanish I: Quinceañera Spanish II: Dia de los Muertos 5 Spanish I & Spanish II: Use course content to connect to real life situations 6 Spanish I & Spanish II: Are encouraged to participate in local cultural events