Propaganda Techniques
Plain Folk Pretend to be one the common people or emphasize characteristics that people can relate to. Log Cabin campaign Humble beginnings “Thank you” etc…
Bandwagon Follow the crowd Side with the winners Bow to peer pressure This strategy is most common in elections where there is an incumbent running.
Glittering Generalities Broad and vague statements such as: “a single nation of justice and opportunity.” These generalities can also be negative…
Card Stacking Present only one side of the issue through the distortion and juggling of facts.
Transfer Use symbols/people to accomplish purposes for which they were not intended. i.e. bald eagle, American flag, smiling children, etc… This is meant to evoke an image of the candidate.
Testimonial Endorsement by a celebrity, group, or individuals. These testimonials can be negative or positive. i.e. Oprah endorsing Obama, Swift Boat Vets against Kerry
Name Calling Do not discuss the facts, just give the opposition a bad name. “Tax and spend liberal” or “flat-earthers”
Scare Tactics Using words or pictures to persuade people to vote for someone out of fear.