QOTD Write down the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Muslim
World Religions and Ethical Systems
polytheism belief in more than one god
monotheism belief in one god
Hinduism Indias major religion no known founder main beliefs:
Hinduism Indias major religion no known founder main beliefs: –polytheism
Hinduism Indias major religion no known founder main beliefs: –p–p–p–polytheism –c–c–c–caste system
Hinduism Indias major religion no known founder main beliefs: –p–p–p–polytheism –c–c–c–caste system –d–d–d–dharma –k–k–k–karma –r–r–r–reincarnation –m–m–m–moksha + -
Vedas Hinduisms oldest holy texts
Abraham (born c BC) Middle Eastern prophet founder of Judaism
Judaism religion of the Jews (Hebrews/Israelites) main beliefs: –monotheism (worlds 1st) –future Messiah
Jerusalem Judaisms holy city also a holy city for Christianity and Islam
Torah Judaisms holy book made up of the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament of the Bible written by the Jewish prophet Moses
Siddhartha Gautama ( BC) Indian born in the warrior caste attained enlightenment given the title of Buddha –m–m–m–means Enlightened One
Buddhism religion/philosophy that broke away from Hinduism founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India spread from India to China and much of East Asia main beliefs: –p–p–p–polytheism –r–r–r–reincarnation –t–t–t–the Four Noble Truths –E–E–E–Eightfold Path –M–M–M–Middle Way –n–n–n–nirvana
Four Noble Truths Buddhas fundamental teaching on how to obtain happiness and enlightenment: 1.T o live is to suffer. 2.S uffering is caused by desire. 3.E liminate suffering by eliminating desire. 4.E liminate desire by following the Eightfold Path.
EightFold Path Right Knowledge Right Thinking Right Speech Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
Sutras holy texts in Buddhism include the teachings of Buddha
Confucius ( BC) Chinese philosopher his ideas have deeply influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese thought and life
Confucianism ethical system based on the teachings of Confucius main beliefs: –social and civic responsibility –the Five Relationships
Analects text that contains the words and acts of Confucius
Jesus (c. 4 BC - c. AD 30) Jew who lived near Jerusalem founder of Christianity executed by the Roman authorities who controlled Jerusalem Christians believe that Jesus: –is the son of God –resurrected after his death –is the savior of the world
Christianity religion that broke away from Judaism main beliefs: –monotheism –Jesus made eternal life possible –resurrection of the dead
Bible Christianitys holy book made up of 2 parts: –Old Testament (Jewish text) –New Testament (lives and teachings of Jesus and his followers)
Paul (AD 3-67) Jew who converted to Christianity Roman citizen brought Christianity to Europe through missionary travels wrote much of the New Testament
Rome became the capital of Christianity after the death of Jesus home of the Roman Catholic Church (largest branch of Christianity)
Muhammad (c ) Arab warrior and prophet founder of Islam
Islam religion that began in modern-day Saudi Arabia spread quickly throughout the Middle East and North Africa followers of Islam are called Muslims main beliefs: –monotheism –believe in Jewish prophets and Jesus (as a prophet, not as the son of God) –Muhammad is Gods greatest and last prophet –Five Pillars
Five Pillars Profession of faith Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca Giving to Charity Fasting during the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca
Quran Islams holy book contains the teachings of Muhammad
Mecca Muhammads birthplace Islams holiest city