What is an antecedent? It is the noun or nouns that a pronoun is replacing or referring back to. Example: The Mona Lisa is a famous work of art from the Renaissance time period. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa is the antecedent of It.
Antecedent Practice The Renaissance began in Italy. ____ then spread throughout Europe. Many artists lived in Florence and Rome. _______ worked to make the cities more beautiful through art. Duomo of the Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy It They Renaissance is the antecedent of It. artists is the antecedent of They.
Antecedent Practice Michelangelo was one prominent artist. _____ is known for painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Ceiling of Sistine Chapel Science, music, and literature also flourished during the Renaissance. We are still fascinated by ________ today. He them David, sculpture by Michelangelo Michelangelo is the antecedent of He. Science, music, and literature are the antecedents of them.